Hi Everybody!
I making a mission and I have a "small", but very-very annoying bug.
Here is the problem:
The Player and Guy1 (they are not in group, totally independent from each other) board in a boat, ride to the destination. I put here a Transport Unload and a Get Out wp with sync, it's work fine. After that I want to the Player get in a car as a driver and Guy1 get in as a passenger.
I made a Get In wp (on the car) and then a Load wp (near the prev. wp) for the Player, and a Get In wp for Guy1 (Player Load and Guy1 Get In is synced). But Guy1 run back to the boat and board as driver.
I tried to remove the Load wp and modify the Get In to Load wp, but have the same bug. If I remove the boat and put them near the car, everything works fine. I tried lock the boat, but Guy1 still can use it, tried the assignascargo, moveincargo commands, but not works.
Please if you have any idea, help me.