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Everything posted by Nicole_UK

  1. Iv just tried this now and its still saying im missing a ";" ☹️ im so confused lol what am i doing wrong? i have the sounds in the description.ext, i have the unit's variable name.... i dont get it
  2. can someone help plz lmaoo im stuck 😕
  3. this is how iv put the sounds im wanting in the description.ext: class CfgSounds { class akbar1 { name = "akbar1"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\Sound\akbar1.ogg, 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar2 { name = "akbar2"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\Sound\akbar2.ogg, 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar3 { name = "akbar3"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\akbar3.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar4 { name = "akbar4"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\Sound\akbar4.ogg, 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar5 { name = "akbar5"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\akbar5.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar6 { name = "akbar6"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\akbar6.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar7 { name = "akbar7"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\akbar7.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar8 { name = "akbar8"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\akbar8.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar9 { name = "akbar9"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\akbar9.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class akbar10 { name = "akbar10"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\akbar10.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation1 { name = "ululation1"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\Sound\ululation1.ogg, 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation2 { name = "ululation2"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\Sound\ululation2.ogg, 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation3 { name = "ululation3"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\ululation3.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation4 { name = "ululation4"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\Sound\ululation4.ogg, 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation5 { name = "ululation5"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\ululation5.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation6 { name = "ululation6"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\ululation6.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation7 { name = "ululation7"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\ululation7.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation8 { name = "ululation8"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\ululation8.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation9 { name = "ululation9"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\ululation9.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class ululation10 { name = "ululation10"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\ululation10.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class YPJ_song { name = "YPJ_song"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {"\Sound\YPJ_song.ogg", 0.8, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; };
  4. so i created a init.sqf file in the mission folder (like a description.ext file) and this is the code i put in it: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IS_Aggro_Scream = { _IS_Aggro_Scream = selectRandom ["akbar1","akbar2", "akbar3", "akbar4", "akbar5"] ; _this say3d _IS_Aggro_Scream; }; {if (side _x isEqualTo East) then { _x addEventHandler ["Fired", {[_this select 0] call IS_Aggro_Scream}]; }; } forEach allUnits; YPJ_Aggro_Scream = { _YPJ_Aggro_Scream = selectRandom ["ululation11","ululation12", "ululation13", "ululation14", "ululation15"] ; _this say3d _YPJ_Aggro_Scream; }; if (side _x isEqualTo West) then { _x addEventHandler ["Fired", {[_this select 0] call YPJ_Aggro_Scream}]; }; } forEach allUnits; ------------------------------------------------------ Im getting an error message on start of mission and the sounds arent playing so im not sure what iv done wrong?
  5. also super dumb question but do i put this in the mission file in the (other profiles) folder? or do i do this in game? sorry just a bit confused where to put the code lmao
  6. I think im with ya... Il have a go now and see... i really appreciate your help and patience 🙂
  7. im guessing you would just repeat this code underneath for the west (blufor) aswell? (im wanting both sides to shout at eachother when firing)
  8. thank you so much il try it out and let you know how it works, i really appreciate it!
  9. Thank you for your reply! Could you please give an example of the code and where to put it? Iv added the sounds using the description.ext - but not sure of the rest. (im a bit new to mission making)