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About sienihemmo

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  1. Well, luckily my map is still in the early stages and I was just getting to know the system beforehand as a change of pace. So personally I have plenty of time to wait for more extensive documentation, and for possible bugs related to it to get fixed. Hopefully the others having issues get past it though.
  2. Attempting to export using this guide results in the following errors in the log console: SCRIPT (E): Could not export 2D map data. SCRIPT (E): Could not export map rasterization. It happens instantly after pressing the "Export" button, it doesn't even process anything from what I can tell. When placing the SCR_MapEntity, the log console also prints the following errors: InitEntities 'world' ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:123887" ('SCR_MapEntity1', SCR_MapEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> RESOURCES (W): No 2d topographic geometry provided to the map. Roads, buildings, power lines, etc. won't be visible. InitEntities 'world' ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:123887" ('SCR_MapEntity1', SCR_MapEntity) at <204.151657 0.000000 428.996429> RESOURCES (W): No 2d topographic geometry provided to the map. Roads, buildings, power lines, etc. won't be visible.
  3. I have this same issue with the latest version. In addition, if I try to run an update (before creating a profile), SteamCMD gets stuck after "Loading Steam API...OK". It would seem like it wants a Steam Guard code, but doesn't actually pop up with a window to input it. If I cancel and change the password, it goes through almost instantly with errors about the wrong password. But with the correct password it just gets stuck, with my phone buzzing about a verification code that I cant input. Edit: Dangit, I just noticed the previous message is from May. I take it this is dead by now.
  4. I started making a bunch of templates for CUP and vanilla buildings that don't have any yet. I'm up to 22 templates now, but I started wondering about a couple things: 1. Does the mod recognize whether people have CUP Core active? If I accidentally put CUP items into a vanilla building template, will it just throw an error whenever the mod tries to use it, or will it just not get used if the user doesn't have CUP Core active? I ask because I'm not sure whether I've identified CUP and Contact buildings correctly. 2. Do you have any guidelines for the templates, apart from not blocking the garrison markers? Stuff like whether it's okay to put stuff outside the building, or a hard cap on how many items one template can have, or if it's okay to use vehicles (set as simple objects, like in warehouses etc). Adding something along those lines for people wanting to make templates could make them look a bit more unified and usable on multiplayer servers.
  5. Hi, We have a player in our group that uses a hearing aid. We started using TFAR today but found that TFAR cuts off the low frequencies from the speech, and found that the player with the hearing aid can't understand anything over the radio, because he barely hears it due to how the hearing aid picks up sounds. I guess that feature can't be altered in TFAR, but would ACRE have something to help with that? I looked at the CBA settings for the mod quickly (couldn't test anything because nobody else was online), and from what I can see there's a couple settings which could be suitable for this? Those few settings were serverside though, would it be possible to do it clientside only for the hearing aid player so the rest of us could have the "proper" experience? We have the mod authentication turned off if that would help.