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Everything posted by Spriterfight

  1. Yes, try clearWeaponCargo Global yourtruckname for your weapons in your vehicle and clearItemCargoGlobal for your items in your vehicle Ex: _spawnedvehicle = createVehicle [""rhsusf_m1078A1P2_B_D_fmtv_usarmy"",getMarkerPos ""Truck"",[], 0, ""NONE""] ; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; Sorry, i am from phone and dont know how to past code on mobile. Best regards!
  2. _grp = _this select 0; _grp allowFleeing 0; _units1 = units _grp; { _x addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"]; _unit = _this select 0; _ubitcount = (count (units group _unit)); _reloadcheck = {needReload _x == 1} count _units1 = unit _grp; ; waitUntil {{needReload _x == 1} count _unitcount == 2}; }]; } forEach _units1; I have this code and the waituntil returns nil or unexppected behaviour.The script is called via execVM in the group is init.I want the sxript to waitauntil every unit from a group fired its ammunition from the loaded magazine
  3. I have to set the activation for a trigger?even if it is defined in the expression field?
  4. I changed on activation hint "works"; player setDamage 1; and if i set the activation to blufor the trigger works but if i chage it to none it dosent.However on the other script it works with none.Why i have to chage it to blufor?Dosent it should work on none because i set the activaiton in the condiiton what is player in thisList
  5. Yesterday i was working on a mission where the trigger executes a script on a group if the group members are in the trigger area but i noticed when all of them entered nothing happened
  6. So what i have to do to work as intended?what i have to change? Btw so the hint didnt show up for you?
  7. So i have a trigger and in the condition i wrote player in thisList; then i tested it and the trigger wont work even with this simple condition.What is the problem?even if i set to blufor or anybody.I tried with and without mods.Same result.
  8. Spriterfight

    Is my arma broken?

    I wrote hint "work"; in the activation field to check if it works if i move in the trigger area.
  9. I wrote hint "work"; in the activation field
  10. Spriterfight

    Is my arma broken?

    Just want to make sure if my rv engine or sqf is not broken
  11. Spriterfight

    Is my arma broken?

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bfNJJeTX8WFkUc9H24dqAqVpMbtM0O4v/view?usp=sharing here is a repo ,lets see if it works for you.Please dont change anything just test it.
  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bfNJJeTX8WFkUc9H24dqAqVpMbtM0O4v/view?usp=sharing here it is, lets see if it works for you
  13. Spriterfight

    Is my arma broken?

    Nope ,dosent work.Guess i have to reinstall the game. i placed two unit,named them group test1 ,then when both of them are in the trigger area nothing happens.I set a hint if it works then hint something but dosent even activates.
  14. Umm i used profilenamespace but nothing more that changes something in the files.But such a simple condition like player in thisList; dosen't activates the trigger.I have never had such an experience with arma.Yesterday i was working on a script and i discovered that when my units had not activated the trigger when they were in the trigger area.
  15. Spriterfight

    Is my arma broken?

    I have this code in the condition: ({alive _x} count units test1) == ({_x in thisList} count units test1) And this in the unit's init test1 = group this; the trigger wont activates when all of them are in the trigger area .I have amp scenario where this script works.But i tested on a new and wont work if all of the units are in the area.I dont understand why this script works on that scenario but on another not.
  16. Hi. This is separate from the main topic.My triggers wont work if i set them on none.I am concerned that the game is broken but do the triggers have to set on something like blufor or opfor to activate like if my player is t1 and i set the trigger to detect if the player is in the triggerarea. with t1 in this List but my trigger wont activate if its set on none but if i set it on blufor it activates.Why?
  17. Hi it works.BTW i have another problem the trigger wont work with this code ({alive _x} count units t1) == ({_x in thisList} count units t1) it only works if i kill the groupmembers i dont know what is the problem with the trigger
  18. Nope.Not working if the unit dies in the trigger area it activates the trigger but i dont know why
  19. Then nearestObjects in a 300 m rafius then you filter them by man and vehicle
  20. Try cursorTarget it is more easier and less complicated than FOW or nearObjects
  21. The fired EH is important for the script.
  22. Yes write this in the init.sqf money = profileNamespace getVariable ["playerMoney", 0]; //this will give the variable a default value of 0, if the variable isnt found in the profilenamespace. then write a new sqf with the name of money.sqf money = money + 1000; //in this 1000 is the starting money hint format["Yay! I have now %1 %2", money, "$"]; profileNamespace setVariable ["playerMoney", money];// saveProfileNamespace; make a trigger that is not repeatable Activation: Blufor On Activation: [[], "money.sqf"] call BIS_fnc_execVM Start the mission, move into the trigger until message shows up. Exit the mission and move again in the trigger, you will see that the value is now different. inside the debug console use this before you exit the scenario profileNamespace setVariable ["playerMoney", nil]; saveProfileNamespace;
  23. So basicaly i want a script that checks contonously the locations around the player in a 700m radius and stores them in an array but if he moves along the older locations will be replaced by the new locations.Any advice? I would start witha while {true} do { _locations = [ getPos player nearestLocations[ towns,cities etc];