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About Tiger51

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  1. Thanks for reply @pierremgi Mieux vaut tard, que jamais ^^
  2. Thanks for your help all. @pierremgi if i want to test my code in Host (under editor) and MP, what i have to write instead of : Something like this : ? I will never find the solution, if you dont help me. So i would like to understand the logic. The value "_approach" and "_validTargets" are in the Arma 3 code? What mean private? When do i use the code "spawn" ? What is mean for the game? I find a lot of informations hier, so for those who are interessted by the code without IA in game speak : For SP in editor, For MP :
  3. Thanks @Grumpy Old Man I paste and copy your code but nothing happen. I would like the code work in MP. I have the message "waiting" but IA still stay in their original position. What i miss? EDIT : Under editor i write this and work : So if i want this code to work in MP i will change with the other variable. Thanks.
  4. I modify the code like this : It does not work anymore. Any other idea?
  5. Thanks for reply @gc8. If i delete this line : IA move to player. Edit : i understand what you mean.
  6. Hi all, I need some help. I am on this code sine 1 week, and l looking for solutions but hier i dont understand. So, this code is called by a trigger on act : null = execVM "inf3.sqf"; hint "lets do it!" I want to spawn a groupe of IA and when players are about 250 meters IA move to players. The code : But nothing happen even if i am near IA. IA spawn but dont move even if i change distance value to 1500. I dont understand where i am wrong. Any Ideas?
  7. Hello ArmaMan360, I use your mission, your sides missions for my mission, the same as you did. Just, in my mission, this is BLUfor VS OPFfor. Of course, i write a special text file for you and your work. I was looking for, a long time for a mission with random tasks via script and i find your mission. Thanks you very much ArmaMan360 for your hard work ans for sharing this mission. From France, Regards.