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Everything posted by jdgaravito

  1. Hi, I'm new in Arma Reforger Modding and I'm creating some custom sets of buildings for a mission I plan to create. I modeled one in Blender and then textured a small building and I had a lot of trouble understanding the workflow to have a working building in the game. I feel frustrated about the lack of documentation and had to scrape multiple times in the discord just to find elemental things that are not covered in the wiki or are covered poorly. There are no video tutorials or user-friendly content for creators. I remember Bohemia's official channel did an incredible scene animation tutorial and I was hoping to have more tutorials like these but they just show de devs talking and no more recently. I don't know what is the https://enfusionengine.com website for if they are using a decading wiki that is old and unappealing. For example, I was trying to add some game material to a face and I knew I must choose the right layer preset to work properly, there are a bunch of presets to choose from and I don't know the difference of Building, Buildingfire, buildingfirenavmesh, firegeo and much more. Looked around and asked in Discord no luck. not a single wiki page detailing this, not a single video or blog post around. had to look 1hr blender conference to have a small grasp of the blender infusion pipeline. Also, I did my best to model and paint in substance to have a realistic building but ended up with 24 materials just for one building. I checked the texture folder and is like 300mb and I know this is wrong. Did my best to have a BCR and NMO map working but I know that there should be a more efficient way to add a bunch of textures in a single file with PBR multi, and what I understand so far is that is a layered mask or something like that that combine multiple materials textures in a single file. But again no single video, not a single blog post about it. How can I create or export them in substance so I won't lose all my hard work painting the model? I really appreciate any help. Thanks PD: Bohemia Devs please make more user friendly video tutorials, explain us your workflow!! thanks
  2. Hi. I'm new to Arma 3 scripting and mission editing. I have problems when I try to play my MP mission with some friends: 1. I have some custom textures on billboards and flags on my scenario: for billboards on their init: this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"texture.paa"]; and for flag: this setFlagTexture "Flag.paa"; I tried the scenario on eden as SP and MP myself and was working as intended. Unfortunately when me and my friends try to load the real game with me as a host/server, we have some texture missing warnings. The strange thing is that not all the textures are missing, some of them are loading, and others don't. All off them are placed on the mission root folder. Seems that is related with a path Issue because they get on the warning my local path "D:/users/me/..blablabla.../mp_missions/misionname/" I double checked and all my textures are relative like the one you can see above. tried to re-save the mission without binary option and they told me got a script missing warning also. I learned that setFlagTexture is not MP compatible: "In MP this command has to be executed where Flag Pole is local. If you add Flag Pole in the editor, it will be local to the server, so executing setFlagTexture on the server will change flag texture on all clients. The command is also persistent and is synchronised for JIP clients." I dont understand this at all. Where I should do this. Should I add a line on the init.sqf that says something like: if (server) then { private myflag setFlagTexture "Flag.paa"; } about the missing path issues, i found this post: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-mission-root/ is this related with my issue? which one of this approaches mentioned there should i use? or should I load the setObjectTextureGlobal of each texture in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file instead? or Load them with a remoteExec? can someone provide me a snippet of how to do this correctly? Please advice.!! 2. I placed some units: all of them are with BIS_fnc_ambientanim: [this, "LISTEN_BRIEFING", "MEDIUM"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; 0 = this spawn {waitUntil {behaviour _this == "combat"}; _this call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate;} and the same as the other problem. When i test it myself works fine. when I'm with friends the position and altitude of all the units are messy, they sometimes are far away, and some do others don't. som do the anim, others don`t. some are trapped in between the first and second floor. What can i do? 3. I would like to know how to test the mission like if I was one of the clients. how can i achieve this? Thank you so much. i really appreciate any help or advice you could give me. thanks.
  3. yes, its related with JIP. for example if i enter the server first and then my friends, they get the right position of all the units. How can this be achieved on initserver.sqf? what i did is on the init _root = parsingNamespace getVariable "MISSION_ROOT"; [this,[0, _root + "texture.paa"]] remoteExec ["setObjectTexture"]; but i dont know how to do it without remoteExec. it worked and my friends can see the billboards, but i think for complex missions with more players will cause issues.
  4. thank you. i looked around and found some alternatives: for the billboards, i placed this on the init field: [this,[0,"texture.paa"]] remoteExec ["setObjectTexture"]; and the flag, on the init.sqf: if (isServer) then { flag1 setFlagTexture "flag.paa"; flag2 setFlagTexture "flag.paa"; auc setFlagTexture "auc.paa"; }; seems to work, but haven't tested yet. i'm on it and i will tell you.