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Everything posted by PonyDroid

  1. PonyDroid

    Changelog 1.1.46453

    Played three Encounters just now with the MGV-176. The gun keeps glitching to where it fires without being able to stop. It empties the whole clip, and once empty, firing the gun restores all your ammo like nothing ever happened. Edit#1: Just had the issue with two other weapons. It tends to occur whenever I tap-fire or try to shoot in small bursts. Edit#2: The new ammo stacking system is nice. You're able to carry more items now. Love it. But, equipping the ammo in the Shelter isn't so nice. I end up bringing more than I want to because I don't want to sit there and spam Equip(x1). I think the amount of ammo you want to equip should be the same as when crafting it (stacks of 1, 10, and 100). There is also another glitch I want to address. I begin crafting a weapon and log off expecting to come back to the weapon being crafted, but it never crafts. And I lose the materials.