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Everything posted by DANGEROUS_JEZZA


    Base Antenna

    Can someone (one of the devs or a mod) please explain in more detail exactly what is going on with the Antenna. It was mentioned in the official Xbox Club Forums with you guys saying you are aware that is currently showing up as building materials instead of crowns, and you said that it is saying per hour instead of per day. You go on to tell us not to worry we are still getting our crowns. You haven't mentioned the change in the amount you earn that is shown. Example, my Lvl.2 Antenna says ill get 0.15 crowns per hour, and the max I could get at Lvl.13 is 0.27 but the per hour is supposed to be per day. So here I am asking for a more detailed explanation in regards to the amounts shown. Seen as you say "don't worry your still getting your crowns" and this could be interpreted many ways for example the amount of 0.15 at lvl.2 up to a max of 0.27 at lvl.13 is what I can now expect to earn per day. I hope this is not the case and the whole thing is bugged out, with the amount earned being incorrect (that you have not mentioned in you post on this issue) along with the incorrect materials and per hour that you informed your player base about. Please answer this post promptly as I'm sure I am not the only player wondering about this.

    Game freeze at match start

    Civilian that a good idea have your buddy kill you and save your high end gear but only works on duo's, in solo your just fingered in the but and loose gear, I am fairly new and some guns I cannot craft ammo for but have found it taken the gun out only to get fingered by a bug and loose my gun. What hurts me the most at the moment is I play a pretty cautions game and don't get killed much, don't kill many people either but loot fast leave early and don't get greedy. Crafting med's hurts me hard in the resources department at the moment so to loose my meds and spend another 1500 crafting 3 low tear med's soon ads up if I have to do it 2 or 3 times in a gaming session. I know soon I will be paying 60 crowns to insure a buddy who has plenty of pain killers and other med's, getting him in a match with a inventory full of meds and killing him to get my supplies up. At least then It wont be hurting me as much. Seems to be one solution to this problem for me.

    Game freeze at match start

    I think this needs to be addressed in the extent of loosing your gear to this bug. Happened 3 times to me now only been playing less than a week and I have had the game crash or freeze up at the lobby screen probably a few times as well. Can the dev's at least change the game mechanic so you don't loose your gear if it happens before the 10 sec timer for the match start has finished counting down. Ok I can see how some players could exploit this if they don't want to play a full lobby so they leave full lobbies without a penalty, but I think for the most part it wont be that much of an issue most people who play often enough will stay we know its these bigger lobbies where the loot can be boosted 4 to 5 time easily. Things like crowns spent on loot should probably be lost otherwise this would create a big loophole to exploit. Groups of players might search together get 4 in a lobby 3 boost the loot then quit before the match starts and the other guy gets to loot high tear with the rest of the lobby. But having your gear saved and not loosing it due to leaving a game before the 10 sec start timer finishes would save a lot of us from being fingered by a bug in the game. Either that or fix the dam game so it wont happen so much

    people camping at exit spots

    It's a tactic either be more cautious or camp a exit yourself and steal somebody else's loot. Only been playing less than a week and I have not been killed at an exit yet, killed some fella at an exit myself on my second game (sucks to be him) mostly because 1. I had not much loot and 2. I had a challenge kill another player. Killed 2 birds with one stone Finally I gotta laugh at this guy who wont play anymore because he got killed by an exit camper, but he is here whining about it with the Nic of "Iwanttolikethisgame". Smacks of a guy who created his tag just to come on and whine. I also call BS on his claim 2 out of 3 exit campers don't kill him, if you are killing 2 out of 3 whats your problem. With a little adaption and care you could probably up this survival rate. Many ways have been posted here like keeping a full sprint bar, don't use ladder exit. I killed a guy running with the package at the top of the ladder exit because I saw him on map and new where he was going and happened to be heading to that exit myself. I bet he thought he got killed by a filthy camper. Here is another one exit early then you have time to be cautious if you don't have the crate exit when the crate carrier is exiting, more chance everyone left is focused on him couple in some caution and your fine 9 times out of 10. Save some crowns so when everyone else boosts the loot and its high you buy insurance maby pop a boost yourself and loot like a demon, run at the sound of battle and get as much as you can. If you Die its insured your sweeeeeeet.

    duo's in solo play..?

    Technically the Solo players have been placed in a Duo game not Duo players being put in a solo match. Unless you hit a Air Drop you would not know this. I have had a game with 1 Duo Team in with me and 7 other Solo players. Due to some luck I managed to collect the Air Drop and it had two crates in it. Now for those that haven't played a Duo game, In Duo there is always 2 crates in a Air Drop so each player in the team can get a crate from a drop.