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About Dirtslinger

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  1. Hello, the download link has expired. Could you upload this somewhere else so we can download it? Thanks!
  2. Dirtslinger

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    The problem has been solved. I needed to remove the /* */ tags and the Position1/2/3 etc. Apparently they were only there as descriptions and needed to be removed if the script was actually used...confusing to a novice like myself.
  3. Dirtslinger

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I added your "Enoch" section above, unfortunately it didn't make any difference. Thanks for trying though.
  4. Dirtslinger

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I'm working on a Livonia/Enoch server. I'm trying to get DMS to spawn missions in pre-defined spots on the map based on XYZ coordinates I'm pulling from the Eden editor. The default section for this in the DMS config.sqf is as follows: /*Mission spawn location settings*/ DMS_UsePredefinedMissionLocations = false; DMS_PredefinedMissionLocations = [ // List of Preset/Predefined mission locations. /* List of positions: position1: [x_1,y_1,z_1], position2: [x_2,y_2,z_2], ... positionN: [x_N,y_N,z_N] */ ]; Based on how I've interpreted that, I've inserted the following in its place: /*Mission spawn location settings*/ DMS_UsePredefinedMissionLocations = true; DMS_PredefinedMissionLocations = [ // List of Preset/Predefined mission locations. /* List of positions: position1: [10684_1,9415_1,0_1], position2: [10582_2,6712_2,0_2], position3: [6973_3,5672_3,0_3], position4: [913_4,4535_4,0_4], position5: [4167_5,7611_5,0_5], position6: [11097_6,1827_6,0_6], position7: [6512_7,3614_7,0_7], position8: [7430_8,1267_8,0_8], position9: [7528_9,6889_9,0_9], position0: [2338_0,8616_0,0_0], */ ]; Something must be incorrect though, because missions are still spawning in completely random places. I've tried removing the "_#" after each coordinate, that doesn't appear to change anything though. I was wondering if anyone here had any input, because I'm at a loss as to what else to try. Thank you!