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Sgt. HenrytheNoob

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Everything posted by Sgt. HenrytheNoob

  1. Sgt. HenrytheNoob

    CAG/Delta Force Faction

    Will there be vehicle for the Delta operators? Mk48 and Mk43 machine guns??? (Not related topic) What's new for altis armed force.
  2. Sgt. HenrytheNoob

    CAG/Delta Force Faction

    Is there a larger assault group.If there is will you add them. Is the new update going to happened when RHS new update release? (I found something about a big squad in internet)https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_enMY833MY833&ei=GZ_XXLrrGqaWvQT73JXADQ&q=how+many+operators+are+in+delta+force+squadrons&oq=how+many+operators+are+in+delta+force+squadrons&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30.16017.24681..25130...0.0..0.85.764.10......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j33i10.SciphLl03C4 Missing team:(maybe bugs) Is there a squadron with AT(MAAWS) because it is missing.