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Waldemar 337

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Everything posted by Waldemar 337

  1. As the title says, some of vanilla cargo vehicles are unable to use cargo objects. I have checked it with a canVehicleCargo function. For example, the cargo truck (class name "C_Van_01_transport_F") has a visible cargo hold which is not usable in the game. Can it be fixed by the game developers ? Do they read this forum ? Thank you.
  2. 1. I am unable to use doors in Mi8 helicopters of the CUP_Vehicles add-on. I tried all the three functions (animateDoor, animateSource and animate) with both possible door state values (0 and 1). Nothing works. Door animation does not happen. _air = (player nearObjects ["Air", 20]) select 0; _air animate ["door_side", 1]; _air animateSource ["door_side", 1]; _air animateDoor ["door_side", 1]; _air = (player nearObjects ["Air", 20]) select 0; _air animate ["door_side", 0]; _air animateSource ["door_side", 0]; _air animateDoor ["door_side", 0]; Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ? 2. Also these helicopters seem to be bugged. When I unload something big from Mi8, like a quad bike, the unloaded object is moved under the rear part of the heli and explodes. I do not know whether it is a bug of the vehicle class or a bug of the game engine. Thank you.
  3. Waldemar 337

    change email

    E-mail changing is bugged as well. Bohemia Interactive Forums account email change redirects to Bohemia Interactive account email change. Change of the Bohemia Interactive account email does not change the Bohemia Interactive Forums account email. LOL. You guys are great.
  4. Do you always talk to people this way ? You are very positive and friendly. Thank you all guys. 😍
  5. And you say that it is Good luck to you all people. Thanks for the good conversation.
  6. The current game engine does not allow to get the mass without creating a vehicle. Vehicle's class available to the comminity does not have a mass parameter. I found an only way to get the mass of a vehicle class by creating and deleting a vehicle. So, creation and deletion is the only way possible for me at this moment. If someone knows a better way, let us know. I did not like the way that was suggested by sarogahtyp because that way creates other difficulties. Among those difficulties I could find following. 1. Requirement to make some measurements of all possible vehicle classes in the game. 1.1. This makes mission initialization fragile. If some add-on breaks the initialization process of these calculations, we will have to make them again and again. 1.2. Big data needs big space. Who and where will store all the encyclopedia of class parameters ? I thought that vehicle classes were created right for that very purpose. Game modders do not need to make the game engine themselves. 2. Requirement to search data in a big data storage. All this takes time. Concerning the air vs land question. My choice was done only because of the probability of collisions. Volume of the air is much larger that the square of the land. I have told it before and I repeat it again. If I placed the vehicle in the editor then how would people use this script and add-on in their scripts and games ? I hope that I managed to answer your question.
  7. Hello. How can one get the vehicle which an object is loaded to ? objectParent function does not return such vehicle. Thank you.
  8. Thank you. P. S. I like the style. 🤣 B.I.S., are you guys serious ? ROFL.
  9. Thank you for checking. I do not know what to say. Side door animation is named "clamshell_source" and the "door_side" animation which obviously should be the side door animation is not working. You say that it is not a bug. 🙄 3D model has inivisible parts or an unload point is placed in a wrong place. All this leads to objects being exploded. You say that it is not a bug. 🙄 Let it be a divine revelation of aliens. https://www.paulingraham.com/imgs/its-aliens.jpg For some reason I am not able to insert a picture into this forum. Aliens do not want to be seen by people. LOL.
  10. Dear Harzach, I have just re-tested it. I placed an empty Mi8-MT (VIV), class name is "CUP_B_Mi17_VIV_CDF". This is a VIV version. When I do this _air = (player nearObjects ["Air", 20]) select 0; _air animateSource ["door_side", 1]; I see no door movement. Then I do this. _air = (player nearObjects ["Air", 20]) select 0; _air animateSource ["door_side", 0]; And again, no door movement is visible. What am I doing wrong ? How is this not a bug ? If you think that I am joking, I can record a video. returns returns And concerning the second question that you ignored. I can also record a video for that question showing unloaded cargo exploding. So that you can see the bug with your own eyes and stop telling such things about me. Please be polite with other people. Black lives matter, don't they ?
  11. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Vehicle_Handling_Configuration This page says that "all PhysX 3 vehicles use complex gearbox to give some data to PhysX gearbox". It also says that gearbox can have several transmission ratios. This text makes me believe that I can create a real offroad vehicle with "High" and "Low" transmission modes. Also there is an example of a complexGearbox. complexGearbox { GearboxRatios[] = { "R1", -3.231, "N", 0, "D1", 2.462, "D2", 1.870, "D3", 1.241, "D4", 0.970, "D5", 0.711 }; // Optional: defines transmission ratios (for example, High and Low range as commonly found in offroad vehicles) TransmissionRatios[] = { "High",4.111 }; // defines what gear an automatic or semi-automatic gearbox will move off from stationary in. 1 by default. moveOffGear = 1; driveString = "D"; // string to display in the HUD for forward gears. neutralString = "N"; // string to display in the HUD for neutral gear. reverseString = "R"; // string to display in the HUD for reverse gears. }; OK. I have created a gearbox for an offroad vehicle with two transmission ratios. TransmissionRatios[] = { "Low", 8.222, "High", 4.111 }; The game GUI does not show any hints or actions available to switch transmission modes. The question is : how do I change the transmission ratio of the gearbox with the SQF script ? Thank you.
  12. Waldemar 337

    Gearbox TransmissionRatio Change

    Thank you for advice. I must say the following. In real life world complex gearbox consists of two coupled but separate devices. They may have various names in different vehicles, but the main principle is the same : one device is a collection of gears for main transmission gear, and the second device is the so-called gearbox, which we know simply as a gearbox. The mentioned documentation confirms that Arma's game engine follows the same principle -- two devices are separate -- when it states the following: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Vehicle_Handling_Configuration#Transmission_parameters In those automobiles that I know, both of these devices are controlled independently. Gearbox is controlled either by a wise electronic mind or by a driver. Transmission ratio is controlled electronically via the control panel or electro-mechanically using the switch. Some old cars control it mechanically. In real life, in the offroad vehicle, changing a gear of a gearbox (second device) does not change the transmission gear (of the first device). If Arma follows the same principle, the mentioned functions are likely to control the gearbox only. So, my question stays the same. I need a function to control the transmission ratio, not the gearbox gear. Thank you.
  13. Greetings to the CUP mod developers and all the community. I have found some bugs and described them in the following thread. At the time of writing I did not know about this thread.
  14. Waldemar 337

    Is manual transmission for vehicles possible?

    I hope we will be able to use a normal manual gearbox in the new game on a new engine which is being developed, because it is very strange to have gearbox locked while even ancient games for MS-DOS allowed players to switch gearbox manually ...
  15. Waldemar 337

    Is manual transmission for vehicles possible?

    Different dev teams, but the same engine. I think it is compiled from different configs, but the core must be the same. Nobody will invent the same wheel twice. All the magic is visible in the naming of all the classes and PBOs if one looks attentively. I just do not understand why.
  16. Waldemar 337

    Is manual transmission for vehicles possible?

    Dear B.I.S., Why do we have a class parameter (gearBoxMode, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Vehicle_Handling_Configuration#Transmission_parameters) to select the gearbox type which we can not use ? Every programmer can tell that such restrictions are often made to sell another product with "better" (unlocked by a magic boolean switch) functionality. Is this the case here ? Does this parameter work in VBS ? Thank you.
  17. Most of the vanilla vans have a cargo version, but for this particular series "C_Van_01" I could not find a cargo class.
  18. I think I found the reason. Models having the "_transport" in their class name are intended to be used as a passanger transport. So, I will change my statement to the following. Would be good to have cargo versions of the "C_Van_01_transport_F" class and its relatives. If someone could help me and tell where to read about modifying the class (in order to change it to a cargo class), I would try to do that. Thank you. P. S. Looks like CUP_Vehicles add-on has the same thing. Some of their models have a visible cargo hold which is not usable for some reason.
  19. Waldemar 337

    Auxiliary Mods

    Let me write here about the mods for this game made by me. At the moment I making auxiliary functions and add-ons and share them on Steam to the community. Would be great if these tools were useful to someone else. Vehicle Towing https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2785946169 Cargo Manager https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789114342 Vehicle Viewer https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2796708565
  20. ZaellixA, the simple answer is following: land is smaller than air. If we calculate the square of the available land and compare it with the volume of the air above the land, we can see that the probability of vehicle collision on land is much bigger than in the air. If we create temporary vehicles at the altitude of, for example, from 100 kilimeters up to 150 kms, the chances for them to collide will be very close to 0.001% or so. Here, by collisions I mean not only collisions between temporary objects, but also collisions with game objects (player's vehicles). Moreover, I wanted to make a simple and at the same time safe method to get vehicle's parameters without storing big data in hidden objects like many scripts do, which I am not a fan of.
  21. Is there a limit for the number of items in the ListBox ( https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CT_LISTBOX ) ? I am facing a strange bug which happens when the number of items inside the listbox is very large.
  22. Waldemar 337

    ListBox overflow issue

    Thanks for your help !
  23. Waldemar 337

    ListBox overflow issue

    Seems that I have found a similar thread.
  24. Waldemar 337

    ListBox overflow issue

    I am sorry. I have found a reason but wanted to change my original message. I create an object using the createVehicle function. Then I delete this object with deleteVehicle function. // MCA_fn_getVehicleParameters.sqf. // This function tries to get the mass of a vehicle and some other parameters. // This is a hack, it may not work every time. params ["_caller", "_vehClassName"]; if (!(isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehClassName))) exitWith { [0.0, [0, 0, 0], []] }; // Create a vehicle in the sky. private ["_callerPos", "_vehPos", "_veh", "_mass", "_dimensions", "_seats"]; _callerPos = position _caller; _vehPos = [_callerPos select 0, _callerPos select 1, (_callerPos select 2) + 5000 + (random 2000)]; _veh = createVehicle [_vehClassName, _vehPos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _veh allowDamage false; // Get the parameters. _mass = getMass _veh; _dimensions = _veh call MCA_fn_getObjectDimensions; // _dimensions = [1,2,3]; _seats = fullCrew [_veh, "", true]; _veh allowDamage true; // Delete the vehicle. deleteVehicle _veh; [_mass, _dimensions, _seats] If the object was a backpack it is created on the ground instead of the sky and is not deleted. So if this file is the source of the function MCA_fn_getVehicleParameters then the following code will reproduce the bug: [player, "B_AssaultPack_rgr_Medic"] call MCA_fn_getVehicleParameters;