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About Chrome526

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  1. @aussie battler Has the problem been resolved ?? In order not to disable anti-cheat, I use "-autoinit" in the startup parameters and in the server.cfg " persistent = 1;" But because of this, the parameters of the mission in the lobby do not change. I use it as a temporary solution.
  2. Hello,Dragon_GER! You made a great tool! Thank you for sharing it! 🙂 Is it possible to make the "settings" file appear in the folder with the program itself ??? not on the desktop as it is now.
  3. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    Hello! I decided to try to make a new prison. Please tell me how can I find this parameter for objects? _pos = [_center,_center vectorAdd [3.58105,3.80859,0.887205],_rotation] call A3E_fnc_rotatePosition;
  4. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    I agree. This was noticed by chance when it was necessary to check the role of the UAV operator. It was necessary to re-enter the server and select a role.
  5. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    Hello NeoArmageddon! I decided to test your latest build of the mission. When using the "-autoinit" parameter, bots began to appear, as well as guard the bots' arsenals again.There is an error when starting the mission and reconnecting to the server, the bots are not aggressive. (Video https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XvKWpIvXhsOluJoTtS90qAs2a4c7b4RR )
  6. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    OK, thanks for answer. I will continue to try to solve the problem ...
  7. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    To load the mission it was necessary to return back "-autoinit and persistent = 1". I send you a file "rpt " where errors are indicated when loading a mission. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iDgP15y4IAiDZ7fqvv1KscpM70V8SSFe
  8. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    The problem remained.... The mission is not from the addon version. Server startup parameters edited according to your recommendations.I attach a log file:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WxjGrD0Z8kTcDnM4mIvFf-N74ffxHIEJ
  9. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    NeoArmageddon, I did everything, but the mission cannot be read
  10. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    Hello. NeoArmageddon. when I remove the parameter "autounit", the mission is not recognized . arma3server.exe -high -enableHT -noPause -nosplash -loadMissionToMemory -config=sc\config.cfg -port=2302 -cfg=sc\basic.cfg -profiles=sc -name=sc -name=Escape config.cfg hostname = "Test"; password = ""; passwordAdmin = ""; serverCommandPassword = ""; logFile = "server.log"; verifySignatures = 1; // Do NOT use verifySignatures=2! It costs too many FPS BattlEye = 1; requiredBuild = 143869; // 1.80 stable allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {:}; allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"}; allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"html"}; motdInterval = 5; maxPlayers = 10; voteMissionPlayers = 200; voteThreshold = 200; allowedVoteCmds[] = {}; allowedVotedAdminCmds[] = {}; disableVoN = 0; vonCodecQuality = 30; persistent = 1; kickDuplicate = 1; equalModRequired = 0; kickClientsOnSlowNetwork = 0; timeStampFormat = "short"; onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; doubleIdDetected = ""; onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)"; motd[] = {""}; class Missions { class Escape { template = co10_Escape_BIS_NATO_vs_CSAT.Altis; }; };
  11. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    PatPgtips, I understood, Thank you for responding.
  12. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    PatPgtips .I do not know why, but when I remove this parameter, the mission does not start....
  13. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    PatPgtips, you mean starting the server without the "-autoinit" parameter ?? if so then in this case the mission is not initialized...
  14. Chrome526

    co10 Escape

    Hi everyone! I have a question, I decided to launch the mission "co10escape v 1.9" on a dedicated server. The problem arises - that in the mission there are no patrols and arsenals are not protected by anyone. There are errors in the logs, but I do not know how to fix them. If I launch the mission through the game itself, then there are no problems. Tell me, how can I fix this problem when launching a mission on a dedicated server? ................................................ while {!(isNull _unit)} do { _enemyUnit = _unit findNear> 13:02:43 Error position: <_unit)} do { _enemyUnit = _unit findNear> 13:02:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit 13:02:43 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 328 13:02:43 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance)); _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct> 13:02:43 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct> 13:02:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit 13:02:43 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14 13:02:43 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes); _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []> 13:02:43 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []> 13:02:43 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number 13:02:43 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129 13:02:43 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);