Hi !
First, I'm new to arma 3 servers, so I'm sorry if I miss something obvious 🙂
So, I'm trying for about a week to create an Arma3 server with mods.
But as I'm new, I wanted to create a vanilla server first, and then try to add some mods.
I've follow this guide for create the server : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server#Instructions_.28Windows_o.2Fs.29
I've first tried on a Windows server 2008, and then a Windows server 2016 (to see if the error I met was due to the version of Windows Server).
When I launch my server, I can see it in server browser of A3, but when I want to join it, it seem it don't load (staying in the tanoa wallpaper).
I've looked at my server's console, and it's spamming : "Mission test3.Altis.pbo read from bank."
I've seen in other forums that it is not a fatal error and that the server could run correctly with it, but searching in my rpt file, I can't find anything else.
I don't know what it could be, I need some help.
Here is my rpt file : (hiden mean I've hide it manually)