I have been running a dedicated Arma 3 server for about 10-15 players with 32 mods. I've noticed that players weapons, after they were done firing, would continue to fire. For example, if player X fired down range then holstered his rifle, his rifle would continue to fire for all the other players in the server. This happens when there's 2 or more players on the Zeus server without anything else spawned in. Its more so obnoxious when 10-15 players are in a firefight and there is continuous rifle fire even though the battle has ended and everyone is yelling at each other to stop firing. The players on the server all have a ping of 100m/s or lower. The server specs are decent. I've tried running the server without mods to see if this was a mod related issue but found it continued to persist. I've spoken with another community about this issue and they have also experienced the same problem.
Anyone know what might be causing this and if there's a way to fix this?