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Everything posted by BRPVP

  1. They will fall on the ground, i know. For some reason i thought this can also cause a problem, since they fall a little bugged, shaking a lot, and sometimes with part of their body inside terrain. I also don't think this info needs to be on WIKI, it's just my specific case, my specific doubt, my personal ignorance... i thought i was intelligente, but i'm not.
  2. Hi! Question about deleteVehicleCrew (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteVehicleCrew). The WIKI says: "Made especially for deleting dead crew members, as using conventional deleteVehicle leads to all sorts of bugs and ghost objects." But what about use deleteVehicle to delete a VEHICLE that have dead crew inside? This is a problem? Thanks!
  3. Two primary weapons with no mods!
  4. I want to delete the vehicle, but not the dead crew inside the vehicle. The WIKI says that delete dead crew inside a vehicle with deleteVehicle cause bugs, but delete a VEHICLE (only the vehicle) with dead crew inside also cause bugs? The WIKI says nothing about that.
  5. I'm sure you don't get the point, but this is probably my fault.
  6. I use this code on players, in a multiplayer server, to add tracers to the fired bullets: player addEventHandler ["FiredMan",{ _bullet = _this select 6; _tracer = createSimpleObject ["a3\weapons_f\data\bullettracer\shell_tracer_green.p3d",[0,0,0]]; _tracer attachTo [_bullet,[0,0,0]]; _tracer setDir 180; }]; The player that fires see the tracer "a3\weapons_f\data\bullettracer\shell_tracer_green.p3d" in his bullet, but other players don't see the tracer. You know why? Thanks.
  7. Yes stburr91, I don't posted the complete script to not overcomplicate the question. You have interest in the complete script? The script is not stand alone, it is inlet in the BRPVP code. I will need to do a version FREE of BRPVP. Here is it: //VARS BRPVP_firedFlyingBullets = []; BRPVP_tracerModel = "a3\weapons_f\data\bullettracer\shell_tracer_green.p3d"; //FIREDMAN EVENT HANDLER player addEventHandler ["FiredMan",{call BRPVP_pehFiredMan;}]; BRPVP_pehFiredMan = { _ammo = _this select 4; _bullet = _this select 6; if (getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "simulation") in ["shotBullet","shotSubmunitions"]) then { _tracer = createSimpleObject [BRPVP_tracerModel,[0,0,0],true]; _tracer attachTo [_bullet,[0,0,0]]; _tracer setDir 180; BRPVP_firedFlyingBullets pushBack [_bullet,_tracer]; }; }; //EACHFRAME EVENT HANDLER addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",{call BRPVP_eachFrameEH;}]; BRPVP_eachFrameEH = { { if (isNull (_x select 0)) then { deleteVehicle (_x select 1); }; } forEach BRPVP_firedFlyingBullets; BRPVP_firedFlyingBullets = BRPVP_firedFlyingBullets-[objNull,objNull]; }; It's not the exact version in BRPVP but is a good one for a stand alone version. It lack some optimizations that i don't know if will worth here.
  8. I found the problem: The bullet object just exist locally, so for the other machines the tracer will be attached to a objNull object. Future: I can't think in a way to put tracers without a mod, sadly. Will end leaving tracers only for the shotting player as an helper that can be set on/off.
  9. BRPVP UPDATED TO V100, DOWNLOAD IT ON http://www.brpvp.com.br Changelog: Now you can choose in what week days players can raid bases. Added 6 new gates. Gates now have it own construction Kit. The personal vault can only be opened in safezones and bases. Added a F2 menu option to show buildings with good loot on map. Fixed Bomb mission not finishing when a turret is overthrown. Siege mission now always have tree towers. You can't repack ammo when into a vehicle. AI units can drop special items (alt+i menu). Added a bomb to destroy base walls (they back after restart). Jets and Arty are only acessible by admins (configurable). On server shutdown pushed vehicles have the new position saved. Added medium tanoan hangar in each Travel Aid Area (Altis). Increased the change to find Titan AT and AA launchers and missiles.
  10. Here how the Base Bomb works:
  11. The site http://www.brpvp.com is off. Now our site is http://www.brpvp.com.br.
  12. BRPVP

    Return day of week from date

    ceeeb, I created this function for BRPVP: BRPVP_getWeekDay = { private _date = [_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2,0,0]; private _yearBefore = ((_date select 0)-1) max 0; private _qttLeapYears = floor (_yearBefore/4); private _qttNormalYears = _yearBefore-_qttLeapYears; private _days = _qttNormalYears+_qttLeapYears*(366/365); _days = _days+dateToNumber _date; (round (_days/(1/365))) mod 7 }; Input: A date in Arma 3 format: [year,month,day,hour,minute] Output: A number representing the week day 0 is sunday (...) 6 is saturday Info: Based on the fact that the first day in year ZERO is sunday.
  13. If you want to remove the flag, including the pole, like i wanted, just put this on the ship init: {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach (this nearObjects ["ShipFlag_US_F",200]);
  14. Hi! I'm Sheltom! I have a keyDown displayEventHandler that checks for some pressed keys and run code to it. Those are the keys checked: alt+v open a menu s navigate menu down w navigate menu up space select the menu option Test 1: if i press alt+v and then press, very fast, key s to navigate, the navigation don't happens, because s key press is not recognized. Test 2: If i wait a very small time between alt+v and s, all is ok, the menu navigate down. Important: On test 1 and test 2 i press s after the menu is on screen and functional. The code that open the menu runs on unscheduled mode, with no sleeps and waits. The second option of this menu is a personal shield that players open in emergency moments, so they press alt+v and navigation keys really fast, and because of this strange behavior, on test 1, players select the wrong menu option. If i move the open menu action from alt+v to a single key, like F2 and F3, without alt, the problem described in test 1 don't happens, you can open the menu and press s imediatlly after and the menu will navigate. Any way to solve that without moving the menu from alt+v keys?
  15. BRPVP updated to V098! Head up to http://www.brpvp.com/ and download server files! See changelog here: http://www.brpvp.com.br/main/changelog.html NEW! Files updated to V098A! Changes in V098A: (V098A) Fixed: Can't put a flag in the Destroyer because of the ship flag. (V098A) Fixed: Fedidex vehicles called on water spawning on the ocean floor. (V098A) Fixed: Destroyer big door not opening.
  16. Here a showcase of the personal shield in BRPVP:
  17. I will be realeasing files more frequently, with smaller updates. Servers that don't change the original files too much can so have the lastest changes more fast. The servers that make big changes can update when they want and believe to worth. Next release tomorrow! If i not do something new until release tomorow, those are the changes: Added plane armed drone in the Black Traders (no insurance). Added item that find drones around and spot his operator. Now you can configure jets, helis and air drones pylons. Now you pay a small price when you open the personal vault. Personal Tower added (alt+v menu). When a player disconnects his character stays in game for 30 seconds. Removed the invisible wall on Altis desert. Added a no-build area 500 meters around the black trader. Now you can see bases turret kills. Artillery range increased. Added 8 big, fixed ships that can be used as a base by players. Added personal shield on the alt+v menu. Fixed possibilitie of iventory not opening after you die. Remember the mission support all-on-server and server-and-HC modes, something really cool for you. 8 abandoned ships added to the map where you can put a flag and make a base!
  18. Game freeze in map when you zoom for the first time: This happens with lots of players. Some have a lot of that, some have it more rarely, some don't have. I had that right now and i saved a crash report, here is it: Zip Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19McDnacaunFhOaVk0klxvVXGwLpDhzWt/view?usp=sharing
  19. BRPVP

    Problem whit Arma 3 performance

    I have a server, no mods, and this happens to many players. And know other servers that also have that. This is not something new or rare... I don't have this, but many have. Hope A3 don't reach it's end with that problem.
  20. May be. But i don't use ACE3. It's something to do with Arma 3 i believe. There is something similar with doors, you open/close a door and the change is not detected by a player, this player can't interact with this door anymore, it get stuck to hin.
  21. Hi, In my code i set a plane pylon armament but not allways the plane is local, this is why i use: [_plane,[_pylonIdx,_mag]] remoteExecCall ["setPylonLoadout",_plane]; The problem is that if the plane is not local the pylon change doesn't reflect imediatilly... I don't want to wait for the change to conclude, this is why i created this solution: _plane setPylonLoadout [_pylonIdx,_mag]; [_plane,[_pylonIdx,_mag]] remoteExecCall ["setPylonLoadout",_plane]; This garantee the change is imediatilly with plane local or not local. I can cause any trouble with that solution? Thanks Gugu! Just before people here call me idiot, some more explanation. If you run this code on a nom-local plane _plane setPylonLoadout [_pylonIdx,_mag]; The pylon will have the mag set in the code but if you enter the plane and fire the pylon it will fire the old weapon, not the one set in the code, this is because setPylonLoadout needs local arguments. But this code on a nom-local plane is usefull because code run after it will detect the change as ok, and you don't need to for remoteExecCall to take effect before continue the code.
  22. Pierre, i believe BIKI is wrong. If plane is local, the change happens on all machines. With plane hosted in server, i changed the pylon on server and it changed to me, a client. I never tested with the plane hosted in another client (2 clients).
  23. Thanks LoOni3r, with those 2 functions i can do it myself very easily.
  24. There is not an in-house BI solution like Virtual Arsenal?