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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja

    In-game event

    Hi fOsythiaa, I really do hope you mean what you say. The overriding complaint on this and other forums is that BI don't listen to the player base. Think about this. A User Group comprising of a combination of long time and newer outlanders, developers and partners (partners who actually play and understand the game). The remit of the group is as follows :- Discuss the content of forthcoming updates. Discuss suggested improvements from both the player base and the dev community. Have the power to reject and add to the content of updates and prioritise inclusion of agreed improvements. . Agenda for first meeting via telecon or zoom. 1. Introductions 2. Apologies for absence 3. The return of map select as teaming and wait times have been unaffected by the change. 4. Proportionally more loot per map. No empty buildings. 5. Review bug fix priority list 6. Any other business . Wouldn't that be nice...
  2. Oldninja

    Latest Update

    Just downloaded the latest update and logged on. . Map choices - Battery or quick play? I want to choose my map as I did before Rewards - yesterday I had a challenge for looting 300 food. Reward 65 crowns, today the reward changed to an uncommon crate. Thanks for nothing. Stats - apparently after 70 encounters your on the stat leaderboard. Why? I'm happy to know my own, not interested in anyone else's. . Ok, weapon stats are interesting, but I'm afraid yet again it appears you are looking to encourage outlanders to spend more and focus on stats. I.e. take more risks. I played and enjoyed this game because it offered me a wide choice of tactics. I could avoid other outlanders and loot covertly to build up my shelter. You basically stopped that by shortening game time and making the radiation faster and be more aggressive. You dropped loot levels. You made rewards less attractive. You made getting the lower tiered crates not worth the risk. I won't linger on the first Battle Pass fiasco etc etc With these and other recent changes, I see the game is moving more and more towards a Battle Royale scenario. Outlanders now need to be more aggressive to get any worthwhile loot. And as you have done nothing to add more shelter improvements, I'm sure it won't be long until we see more 'improvements' focussed on moving the game towards last man standing. I think for the time being I'm done with the game. You've successfully spoiled it for me, so I'm off for a nostalgic trip to Andromeda before I look for a new game to capture my interest.
  3. Oldninja

    In-game event

    Remove it as far as I'm concerned. Just provides another camping opportunity.
  4. Oldninja


    You make a valid point eKLaB. I play random duo's on Grontheim. And sometimes end up with the same outlander as a partner several times on the bounce. Even after a 3 minute plus wait. Also, you pretty much see the same group of outlanders in the lobbies as you play through the encounters. Seems to me that there are not a lot playing the game. On average 3 or less outlanders have bought the pass in each lobby. Bring back map select as the official reason, apparently to lower waiting times and deter teaming, is clearly not working. Improve loot levels on all maps (25% at least). For example more containers should have loot in and there should be no empty buildings. Just sharing some of my observations.
  5. Oldninja

    Teamers in duos

    I think we've all been a victim of teamers. I've posted on the subject previously and suggested ways of punishing proven teamers. The problem is that to police any system BI will need to assign a resource to monitor and deliver it. So it's not going to happen. While outlanders are able to communicate over chat teaming will continue. I don't know how, but if in game chat is disabled, teaming will be much harder to accomplish.
  6. Oldninja

    In-game event

    How about just having the airdrop location being revealed as the plane arrives. This would in effect give outlanders around 30 seconds to get to the drop site and pretty much stop drop camping.
  7. Hi Zwarfie, I've heard of dupers killing themselves with fall damage for their teammate to loot them. The outlanders with the empty inventory buys insurance for the team so that the guy killing himself gets his gear back. I don't understand how disconnecting (I assume you mean pressing the Xbox button and returning to the homescreen) protects any crowns spent. It does seem a common thing. I see it maybe 1 in 8 encounters.
  8. Just had another thought on the iodine. As the plan gets out into the wild more and more and as outlanders build up their stocks. All the outlanders determined to get the crate may adopt the pill popping method to increase their chances. Could get crazy!
  9. Thanks for the heads up guys. I'll test the iodine when/if I get the plan as I've only managed to pick up half a dozen so far. The other thing is apparently termed as being a duper! It was discussed at length on another forum. I also understand some of the partners have reported the behaviour to BI. Not sure if there is anything that can be done as the practise seems to be just stretching the available gameplay mechanics, and looks like a crafty (but risky) way of trading weapons and consumables. Would appreciate other views in case I'm missing something.
  10. Hi Arachnid, This is news! Could you be so good as to educate me. Is the Iodine effect cumulative? Have you tested it? What exploit are you referring to? Be assured there is no hint of sarcasm in this post. I'm seriously interested in finding out more.
  11. Oldninja

    Beware of Toxic Outlander

    I won't name the moron who team killed me the other day. Spawned in at the deer feeder, NW top of Grontheim near the stream crossing. He stepped away and headshot me with his shotgun. Did he loot? No, he just walked off the map at the top exit with nothing. He had bought the pass, his level meant he had a 40% boost and had he simply decided he didn't fancy the encounter, he could have walked and picked up 350xp for nothing! Leaving me to get on with it. Some outlanders are strange.
  12. Oldninja

    Loot and Crate Boosting

    Another thing I forgot to mention. I always scan the lobby to see what level the other outlanders are. I would estimate that on average an 8 outlander lobby on Grontheim contains no more than 3 who have purchased the Season Pass. Obviously it varies, but overall it appears less than 50%. Maybe some are waiting to see how far they get before spending their crowns. Could be the cost. And I agree with the crate comment eKLaB.
  13. Oldninja

    Team killer - Question

    I was team killed today and as I spectated my killer the caption said, 'killers name' is looting. And he apparently looted me. I understood you couldn't loot your teammate. Am I right or wrong?
  14. Oldninja

    Loot and Crate Boosting

    Agree. I play 20-30 encounters a day (before boredom sets it) and would say 2 maybe 3 are loot/crate boosted. On average less than 10%. Makes the grind harder but other outlanders obviously don't think the benefits are worth the cost. I personally have no shame, I'm a taker not a giver, following so called 'improvements' in gameplay that really mean extracting more money from the player base, and moving further away from the original concept I decided not to contribute my harrd earned pension any more.
  15. Oldninja

    Team killer - Question

    Thanks for that. Why he killed me then is beyond me. We'd had a good run, shared loot and that was that. 1200-1500 xp with us both leaving the map, but he shot me in the back and if I recall his level, lost a 40% boost. What a knobhead, but it takes all sorts and I won't get fooled again... Any oldies name the band?
  16. Don't know about you guys, but that's pretty useless. An extra minute or 2 would make more sense for the cost of it. For newer players I understand it costs 10200! Seems to me the Caffeine is the best addition, as the reports suggest it enables you to sprint across a whole map. It would certainly give you a better advantage than the Iodine.
  17. Oldninja


    To be fair I was on auto as I had no experience with the weapon, hence the 8 round burst. But take your point re ambushing.
  18. Oldninja


    I wouldn't worry yourselves about top tier guns. Today I decided to try out a few guns on the range after completing a 15 game challenge for an uncommon crate. To give myself a break, and after some testing, I ended up taking an AKM into a solo and setup a nice little bushwhack. Within the first 3 minutes an unsuspecting outlander happened into my field of fire. A quick 8 round burst and I strolled off the map with the small amount of loot he had gathered. Refreshed me for some duo grinding. That weapon is amazing. Give it a go.
  19. Oldninja

    Need more things in the Shelter

    Hi Qubest, I read your initial post with interest. Since the early days outlanders have been making a variety of suggestions about increasing activities that can be carried at the shelter, especially about adding mechanisms for developing your own chemicals, fertilizer etc and other ways to produce food. Addition shelter improvements in future updates may introduce these requested improvements, but I tend to agree with Arachnid on the raids issue. The outlanders with more testosterone now have the perfect outlet in the latest update. I didn't spend an age getting to the level I've reached for it to be wiped (again), but this time by raids. The danger I immediately perceive is how do you prevent stronger outlanders preying on weaker ones. Your other suggestions are certainty worth consideration by the devs. Especially in my view the seasonal vendor and exploring the oil rig. The seasonal vendor could exchange random useful items in exchange for materials and the rig could contain useful and varying levels of loot that replenishes at random intervals. Just my thoughts.
  20. Oldninja

    New Exploit

    I've tried to follow this thread, but found it confusing. Could be my age! Can someone who knows please explain step by step. That way the devs (if they don't already know) can look into stopping it. I only play random duo's and don't chat as I don't use a headset, and therefore have no interest in even attempting to utilise the exploit. But to confirm, I have been in a very small number of lobbies where I have seen outlanders with 2 identical top tier weapons in their inventory along with naked partners.
  21. Thanks for that info Boss. I was prepared to grind hard to get the plan as the hype made it sound like it would give you an extra several minutes or so, almost back to the original (and sensible encounter time). I will now change my approach. If I get there fine, if not no biggy.
  22. Oldninja

    Teaming in solo will ruin this game. period.

    Hi Matthew, Crypto, Like you I've been a victim of teaming a number of times. Such that after several experiences if I kill someone I leave the map as quickly as I can. The reason, I was hunted down by my victims colleague/colleague's as he could tell them exactly where I was. I've also previously proposed a system of punishment for confirmed teamers. But the problem with any system is that it needs resource to police it and I can understand that BI would prefer not to assign someone to do it. I don't know can be done technically, unless chat is disabled maybe or the signal detector becomes single use (available once per encounter). For me if I see a number of outlanders with top end weapons and one boosts to the max then I'm suspicious and change my approach to the encounter. Matthew, The work around you mention is still apparently operational. I was partnered with an outlander yesterday who boosted loot and crate to the max. We spawned in and he was a statue. Unresponsive until he simply disappeared off the map star trek style. Not sure why someone would do that unless it cost him nothing and benefitted his colleagues.
  23. Just downloaded the latest update, season 3 and logged in. . Map choices - Grontheim or quick play? I would prefer to choose my map as I did before, but will live with it for this season. Stats - Mentioned it before. I personally am ambivalent in regard to them, but can understand why some outlanders are Keen on them. One suggestion for future updates. Could you add a reset option? Why, you may ask. Because and depending on my challenges, and indeed my mood. I take differing approaches to encounters. Therefore if a feel a little aggressive, I would be interested in resetting and tracking my kill count. If I am grinding for certain materials or food, I may like to track my successful escapes etc etc. Protect Teammate - Simple yet extremely effective method of stopping team kills. Excellent addition. Loot levels - They appear slightly improved and food seems to be more abundant. Running noise - Appears to be lower. Good change. Shoot out - Great addition. Will hopefully provide the ideal solution for those outlanders who enjoy higher levels of engagement. . Anyone who has read my other posts on here and other forums will have noticed my disappointment with recent updates, cosmetic additions and the general trend towards Battle royale. Whilst I still think the game should consider embracing its roots a little more, season 3 has perked my interest and indeed encouraged me to spend pretty much a full day levelling up. I will see if my initial enthusiasm persists. Well done with Season 3 devs.
  24. Oldninja

    Season Pass - Initial Comments

    Hi guys, my fault for not explaining. Protect Teammate means that if you leave the map and your teammate is still alive you get 250xp. There is also, avenge teammate. Not done it yet but I assume it offers the same xp. Forgetting various crate scenario's, who would really throw that away? It's now 300 after you reach the first xp boost.
  25. I'm not sure what your primary point is? I simply go in naked. There are locations on all maps where you can pick up weapons. If it's bring back map select - yes If it's bring back slower radiation - yes If it's get rid of cosmetic items, fake glint, personal signal locator etc etc - yes If it's improve loot - yes If it's slow movement speed - yes If it's improve the chances of achieving the pathetic Battle Pass - yes . If I've missed anything please add. . Yes, I'm a founder and love the game for what it was, not what it's evolved into. My opinion and after what I've invested in the game, I'm entitled to it. . And yes. I've enjoyed imbibing a quantity of chilled Sauvignon Blanc prior to writing this.