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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja

    Controls not working

    Just had a new experience on Fiske. Waiting with my trusty bayonet for an outlander to enter a shack. He entered. I got one swing at him then lost all controls. Couldn't strike, open windows or doors. He had the same problem. Couldn't shoot me or open windows/doors. After trying various things and a couple of waves at each other. He managed to open the door at which point we went our own ways. I assume he still couldn't fire as I still couldn't strike. Unfortunately didn't record it as he entered the shack quite stealthily, and I didn't have time to start a recording.
  2. Oldninja

    Controls not working

    I've had it happen after that message has appeared, but today it's happening frequently and no message. Giving up on melee encounters for a couple of days.
  3. Oldninja

    Possible crate glitch figured out

    Check the thread in General Discussion. Possible solution proposed.
  4. Of course the other fix could be by treating a dead outlander in the same way as an exiting outlander! If the inventory if full then there's no where for loaded ammo to go, and the loaded ammo is lost not the items in the inventory.
  5. Oldninja

    Black list!!!

    Absolutely right. You are more than entitled to voice your opinions. Most people on the forum will either agree, partly agree or politely disagree. Don't be put off, your views matter.
  6. Hi Hamis, I think you've cracked it. Looking at the 2nd video he was equipped with a heavy machine gun. Obviously had a shed load of ammo and as you say, when he died it fed back into to top level of his inventory. Any items in the bottom level were lost as everything moved down. This could be solved, or at least helped by making the in game inventory slots the same capacity as the loadout inventory slot capacity. For instance. Entering an encounter if I take a full 1st inventory slot for my Soumi, it reports that it holds 90 parabellum!. During the encounter and on leaving the capacity drops to 35. When starting the encounter I will have 72 in my Soumi and 18 in the first slot. If I find 20 more ammo as my first loot the inventory will show 35 (not 90) in the first slot, 3 in the 2nd. When the update made this change I thought great. Loot the lost patrol and have plenty of inventory space left for other loot. But no. The inventory capacity changes back to the lower level when the encounter starts.
  7. Oldninja

    Food bins...?

    I think they are Deer feeders, or something similar. Same experience here, graphic X behaves as it should, but no loot or food from them.
  8. Oldninja

    The Secret Portal

    You just destroy whatever you wish (except weapons) by accessing your inventory. Scroll across until you get to the crate (or anything else you want to destroy), and hold 'y'. I sometimes do it if the odds look bad or I destroy looted stuff if I enter an encounter naked and a outlander responds badly to my initial friendly wave.
  9. Oldninja

    The Secret Portal

    Hi Xaphan, The only explanation I have for video one is that the carrier decided to destroy the crate as he didn't want to risk the loot he already had by making for an exit with it. Video two happens now and then. Quite rare but can be a misleading and annoying glitch.
  10. Oldninja

    Black list!!!

    I can see your point. We could ultimately end up with 2 four man teams on the 8 player maps. One team camping exits and one grabbing the loot and crate. Would make some interesting firefights. Certainly not ideal, hence the many requests for squads. I still don't see it as cheating, as I don't believe it's possible to guarantee ending up in the same lobby as your mate. And if their prepared to take the risk, then that's up to them. . To suggest that other outlanders are insecure because they only enter an encounter lightly equipped is just wrong. Outlanders can choose how they want to play to suit themselves, not to suit other outlanders. I experiment with loadouts and tactics all the time. Adds to my enjoyment of the game. . I'm not interested in getting into a heated debate about the issue you raised. I have voiced my opinion. It's now for other outlanders to voice theirs.
  11. Oldninja

    Black list!!!

    Hi Xaphan, I feel your frustration. You waited all that time to take out the carrier and 2 outlanders turn up! For me the second video is conclusive, but for the first one I feel the outlander who took you out may have actually been chasing the carrier. May be wrong. However, the one thing I've noticed since the last update. Exit camping can now be expected in virtually all encounters. I've argued that it is an exceptable tactic and I still think it is. My comments in support of exit camping are always tempered by my view that outlanders have to adapt to defeat it. In my view that's what these outlanders are doing. If they are prepared to take a single crate each encounter, whilst taking the risk that they might not end up in the same lobby is completely up to them and is an acceptable tactic. As an exit camper, it's now up to you to adapt. Your happy enough to take out one guy at the exit. Find a way to take out 2!
  12. Oldninja


    Message to all outlanders, both older and newer players. . My concern is regarding maintaining longevity for the game. Yes the challenges are a great addition, the other bug fixes also continue to improve the game. But! How does the game keep our interest? . I've mentioned in a recent post a 'bounty' for killing a team killer or threat. Maybe 50 crowns or a top ranking crate. Do you guys have any other features that you think are worth thinking about in future updates. These features need to come with rewards to make more options for each encounter, options that make us prioritise. By this I mean the drop might not necessarily the most valuable reward in the encounter. If you think my suggestion is rubbish then say so. But please add your ideas to this post if you agree.
  13. Oldninja


    I know it's been mentioned by a few outlanders, but there are 2 specific 'improvements' that I would like to see. 1. Automatically contrasting crosshairs based on background colour. Almost impossible to line up targets in 3rd person on snow maps. 2. A white winter soldier outfit to provide camouflage on the snow maps. Not necessarily the most vital improvements for the next update, but would be nice to see them somewhere along the line.
  14. Oldninja

    Knife/Bayonet Lag?

    Just had a really good knife fight on Viktorsen. Half way through couldn't strike with the knife. Is it server lag, a glitch? I thought it may have been because I accidentally changed to left hand, but on reviewing the clip, I don't believe it was. Anyone else had this issue.
  15. Oldninja

    Knife/Bayonet Lag?

    Hi Pyrit, The video posted by Kuljack shows exactly what happened to me. To be fair it's only happened the one time, and have made a few knife kills since with no issues.
  16. Oldninja

    PPSH is back

    Just noticed after some chatter on other outlets. The PPSH is back. My personal favourite last time it was available. Any other slight changes been noticed as there doesn't seem to be a changelog entry.
  17. Hi Kuljack, Reported the same issue on Wednesday. Very frustrating when you need one more hit. Also agree with the apparent change in the melee mechanics. A shove with your opponent's weapon seems to have a greater effect than before. Makes the knife attack a lot more difficult. Managed a number of kills, but nothing like the frequency I had before the update. Agree that a difference in damage with more expensive knives would be logical. Will continue with knife only encounters and try and adapt my tactics.
  18. Oldninja

    PPSH is back

    Same here. Played quite a few encounters yesterday to try and get my kill challenges out of the way and didn't see it once (or any ammo). A guy on another forum posted a picture showing he had the plan! May have been photoshopped, but looked pretty genuine.
  19. Oldninja

    List of team killers

    Hi guys, Very interesting read. Studying the opposing perspectives from the encounter says one thing to me. Communication, or in this case, lack of it. I've tried teaming and found it frustrating for that reason. I party chat when my grandkids force me into a squad match on you know what, and it makes a clear difference. I'm still not that smooth on setting it up though as it's quite a rare event (I'm on Vigor most of the time). . This idea may be a stretch technically, but maybe BI could add a button press/checkbox/drop-down etc in the team setup that initiates an invite to the party chat option for both players. A kind of short cut. If one player declines you would be more cautious when playing the encounter (of course they may not have a headset). Just a thought.
  20. Oldninja

    Purple crate, it's joke?

    Just bad luck unfortunately.
  21. Oldninja

    PPSH is back

    Great news, but yet to see one or its ammo in the wild. I assume the plan will become available.
  22. Oldninja

    Knife/Bayonet Lag?

    Unfortunately I deleted the clip. I don't tend to save them if I lose! During the engagement my opponent, who also had only a knife, ran for it. I caught him close to the rail car which usually has a couple of bags of fertilizer on. When I tried to use the knife the RT button had no effect. He made off and while I was trying to figure out what went wrong, another outlander' appeared and despatched me with a pistol. I generally enter encounters with a knife/bayonet, and have never previously experienced that effect.
  23. Hi Th3Truth, I'd like to see it out of interest. How about copying the clip to your OneDrive public folder and putting the link in here. Cheers.
  24. Oldninja

    Ammo Equip adding way too much!

    Hi Homemade, I understand your frustration. I always take 72 in when I use a Soumi, and adding single rounds to get there is a pain. As you quite rightly comment, I believe the level was raised due to the number of complaints about losing loaded ammo, and to provide more diversity when looting, as you could soon fill your inventory with ammo and have no room for other useful loot. I'm personally ok with it as an incremental improvement, as I believe the next update with add the 10 option and fix the unequip bug. Overall a reasonable trade off for now.
  25. Oldninja

    Pest control

    I know exactly what you mean. It's been highlighted on here a number of times. I agree, it's probably server lag issues, but annoying none the less.