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Posts posted by Black_Ice931

  1. Hello everyone,


    I am trying to create a new simple scenario following a YT tutorial - now, the issue I am having right now is when I try to put in my game mode a new component, the guy in the tutorial uses the SCR_RespawnMenuHandlerComponent, which I do not find in my components list in the editor. This allows him to have menu to select a loadout - how do I do that not being able to find that component?

    Would you also be able to provide me with a tutorial (a video or something else) to create my custom scenario?



  2. Hello everyone,


    Lately we've been starting to use the headless client in our missions and we've been having the issue that, when units pass to it, they do not follow triggers anymore.
    So, if I have some units that have to wait for a player to walk in a trigger, they start to move direclty toward their next objective just after the HC take control of them.


    Is there anything that can be done to avoid this?



  3. Hello everyone,


    We are working on a mod ourselves and we have some issues with the key.

    So far we have been using DSUtils, and it says that the pbo has been patched successifully but servers are not able to identify the key, even if it is present in the key folder.


    Any tip would be very appreciated! Or even a video that explains how to properly create it.


    Another question regards the required external mods: how do we specify which mods are required in orderd for this to work? There is a section on the mod page in the workshop that says "Add/Remove Required Items", is this enough?


    Thank you.

  4. On 8/24/2019 at 9:42 PM, Maff said:
    //	Close the inventory menu with slight delay - Not enough time to take anything from crate though.
    _box addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened", {
    	params ["_container", "_unit"];
    	_unit action ["Gear", objNull];


    sorry for the delay.

    Just tried this and it works.


    Thank you guys both!

  5. 5 hours ago, Mr H. said:

    Easy to do via config files. But if you don't want to go the addons way and just do it for a specific object in your mission  you can use eventhandlers.

    this addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened", { params ["_container", "_unit"]; closedialog 0}];

    Just tried the second option, it doesn't work 😞

  6. Hello everyone,


    How can I remove the inventory from an object? Or at lest remove the menu' voice that allows me to open it?

    I did see a very small amount of solutions online, but nothing worked.
    I did try to turn the object into a simple object, but I need it to be dragable - so this solution is out.

    It has to work with ACE3 mod.


  7. Hello everyone,


    I am trying to create my own training mission for the advanced medic with ACE and most of the times I spawn an NPC this guy dies.


    This is the code I am using:

    'B_Survivor_F' createUnit [getMarkerPos "PatientSpawn_01", _grp,'tizio1=this; dostop tizio1'];
    [tizio1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "leg_r", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
    [tizio1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "leg_l", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
    [tizio1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "body", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
    [tizio1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "head", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
    [tizio1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "hand_r", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
    [tizio1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "hand_l", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;

    How can I avoid the NPC to die instantly? I would prefer it to faint, for example..


    Thank you.

  8. Here again.


    After I create the object, is there a way to deploy it on a chosen position?

    Like when you craft something and you want to place it somewhere.



    After that, is there any chance to save all these objects' position so I can use them in another mission?

    Maybe every time something is positioned, a copy of that object goes into another empty map in the exact same position


    Sorry to keep bothering you, but I am no scripter (not yet) and I have too many ideas lol

  9. _pos = getPos container;
    deleteVehicle container;
    createSimpleObject ["Land_PartyTent_01_F", setPos _pos];

    You can clearly see I am still at the beginning.


    This is was I did and that was wrong ^^



    Thank you to the both of you guys!

  10. 12 hours ago, RCA3 said:

    I think these won't work :(




    I found the function BIS_fnc_replaceWithSimpleObject, the syntax is [object] call BIS_fnc_replaceWithSimpleObject - if I put it in the init of the obj I want to swap, the [ogbject] has to be the same of the one I want?

  11. I might still need some help on this.


    The createSimpleObject doesnt allow me to select a position from a marker/other object but I need to give some coordinates with PositionASL.


    If I do a getPositionASL of the object I need to replace, how can I set those coordinates in PositionASL without using the command setPositionASL?


    Or is there any other way I can reach my goal with another command without using premade coordinates?

  12. Hello guys,


    I was thinkg to create an F.O.B. during my game - so unloading containers and similar.

    I was trying to find a sort of big deployable tent, is there aynthing as far as you know?


    If nothing has already been made, how do you think the command "createSimpleObject" would work in a scenario with loads of people? (Maybe I could have a script on an obj that delete that and spawns the tenti stead on the same position).


    If you think this option would work, where do I find the name of the object I want?


    Thank you.

  13. Hello guys,


    I am having some issues making the advanced sling loading working.

    Everytime a player respawns, it's not able to get the ropes from an helicopter - the action is there, but if it clicks nothing happens.

    I use the pedagne mod as well, which has it's own sling loading model already - if that could be a of any help.


    Any suggestion?

  14. That might be a dumb question, asked many and many times but the"Search" button didnt help me, so..


    How can I end the line and start to write from the following? Just pressing start does not work and I tried a few different options but nothing..



    Thanks people.
