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Radek Berdych

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Everything posted by Radek Berdych

  1. Radek Berdych

    Ideas for improvements

    I do not know if anyone reads it, but maybe it is, so I sometimes write some of my opinion. In the game, I miss the interaction with the outside world, for example, the game, when walking in the woods, or making more of the birds in the hills. For example, when moving in a crown, much of the shrub or branch of a tree grows. For example, when looking for a cortiste, you can extend the search time for most boxes, for smaller ones. For example, add games to the game, if you want to track the game, or find out that somebody else has searched for the dwelling. It would be possible to include something like leveling characters, or to select different bracelets and the like, for example, it is necessary to trace, with the percussion in question, the figure better find the track of another player, or he would quickly search boxes with spoils. I was thinking of adding the possibility of stacking a different trap, or a snapping device to distract attention. Additionally, it is necessary to throw stones or some simple system with the use of a kitchen clock that is used in the game to save time from radiation. The traps are in the form either of bears of celts, or of a man kicking holes with sharp branches. Or just a bundle of bells that would alert a player to another player in the neighborhood :-) And yet, things are over, just as the game has slowed down in the water, so it would be nice even in the deep snow to worsen the taste. And then, to increase the volume of the step on a different surface, it is necessary to run behind the plate in the blade is a total loudness, just like running a wooden pier, or dome, moving the broken car where the glass is, adding the sound of a step after breaking the glass. It's kind of like details, but these details just create the atmosphere and pull the game into the game and make the game use its surroundings not only optically but also audibly. Otherwise good work, the game is great.
  2. Radek Berdych

    Ideas for improvements

    I do not know if anyone reads it, but maybe it is, so I sometimes write some of my opinion. In the game, I miss the interaction with the outside world, for example, the game, when walking in the woods, or making more of the birds in the hills. For example, when moving in a crown, much of the shrub or branch of a tree grows. For example, when looking for a cortiste, you can extend the search time for most boxes, for smaller ones. For example, add games to the game, if you want to track the game, or find out that somebody else has searched for the dwelling. It would be possible to include something like leveling characters, or to select different bracelets and the like, for example, it is necessary to trace, with the percussion in question, the figure better find the track of another player, or he would quickly search boxes with spoils.
  3. Radek Berdych

    Ideas for improvements

    Nebylo by špatné omezit, nebo zakázat pohyb na prudkých skalách, kde nyní hráči hloupě skákají a skákají nereálně dolů. Zvýšil bych i poškození z pádu, protože skočit ze střechy na zem a nic se nestane, je hloupost. It would not be bad to restrict or prohibit the movement on the steep rocks, where players are now jumping stupidly and jumping unrealistically down. I would also increase the damage from the fall because jumping from the roof to the ground and nothing happens is stupidity.
  4. Radek Berdych

    Ideas for improvements

    Maybe it would not be bad to add to the game the weight of the carried things and equipment. And with it the disadvantages of higher weight, such as shorter sprint and the like. Možná by nebylo špatné, přidat do hry i váhu nesených věcí a vybavení. A s tím i spojené nevýhody vyšší váhy, jako kratší sprint a podobně.