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Everything posted by sgtfuzzle17

  1. sgtfuzzle17

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Have asked this question in the discord but haven't gotten an answer there. I've set up a Liberation mission on South Asia (a very large map, which could possibly be the problem), using the v0.96 release on the github as a base, with some small modifications (just stuff in factions mostly, and the kp_liberation_config.sqf. The issue I'm running into is two-fold, and I'm fairly sure its connected. Whenever the enemy launches a counterattack, it never arrives. The culprit (I'm fairly sure) is this "VULNERABLE" marker which is sitting out in the middle of nowhere on the map. Is this a known issue with a fix available? Edit: I'm fairly sure the issue stems from the fact that there's no roads for the AI to pathfind along, or that could be a contributing factor. Is there any way to set the virtual groups to pathfind directly/over terrain rather than just along roads?
  2. How does setting the "Probability of Presence" attribute in the editor affect spawning within this script? Will the probability be calculated on each respawn leading to potentially different amounts of units in subsequent patrols, or is it just decided on mission start and from there on out respawns will always see the amount set at the start of the mission?
  3. sgtfuzzle17

    South Asia v1.5 No errors!!

    Happy to help. Honestly this map is really the only thing on the workshop of this scale that doesn't require a few GB of extra mods as dependencies, and the fact that it runs so well is great. I'm very happy I came across it; while I really like a lot of the PMC Terrains the fact you need to go through so much effort to install them kind of kills any mission development opportunities.
  4. sgtfuzzle17

    South Asia v1.5 No errors!!

    Don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but the new update seems to have completely removed the map from my game - I can't load into it at all.
  5. sgtfuzzle17

    South Asia v1.5 No errors!!

    If it helps at all, the below link is how he recommended setting it up. We're doing it the description.ext way just to keep our modset light and so we don't need to put anything on the workshop but it may be of help to you. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/180959-firewill-standalone-series-release-thread/?page=35&tab=comments&fbclid=IwAR0o2DrGhl1D_OEOvTOeveTksIbBEnsFMgF1QWRmTWyGTgP8-8J3v-31ebs#comment-3211166
  6. sgtfuzzle17

    South Asia v1.5 No errors!!

    With the new patch (v1.4), the new roads are crashing the game any time I try to load into it and giving the error "too many virtual blocks requested". This is also an issue with the other South Asia map floating around on the Workshop. Are you planning on releasing an optional patch file to exclude the roads? Unfortunately in its current state I can't actually use the map unless I patch out the roads. On a completely unrelated note, you said in the 1.3 changelog you added a satmap for use with aircraft map screens. Where is that texture located? Is it a different file to "SouthAsiaMapPic3.paa"? A friend and I have gotten it working with Firewill's mapscreens but it seems to be misaligned. We're using the following code in a description.ext (his recommended implmentation): We got the mapsize from using the worldSize command. Is that number wrong or is there something we're missing?
  7. A friend and I got it working but the mapscreen seems to be misaligned, and adjusting the worldSize parameter in the description.ext doesn't seem to fix it. Is there any way to manually fix issues like this? If you go by 10 digit grids, its off by about 0003800038 on a 122km map. In that image, the plane is sitting dead on 0,0. Any fixes you can think of? Edit: For clarification, the worldSize command returns a size of 122880.
  8. How does one go about setting up a custom map to work with the MAP SCREEN function on the AWS planes? I'm building a large scale Liberation mission for ANZACSAS's South Asia (the port from TOH) and I'm wondering if there's already a quick fix out there for it or if the process is relatively simple so I can do it myself.
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, I've figured it out. I'm a fucking idiot. I had set 3D trigger, but hadn't customized their height parameter. I was trying to trigger a 5 meter tall trigger in a jet at roughly 2000 feet. It's working now. I'll show myself out.
  10. Alright, thanks. Have you got any tips for how to get the triggers working initially? I can't seem to get the units to spawn off them. Just so we're clear on how its currently set up, I'm using a trigger set to conditions of BLUFOR present, and repeatable. I then have the trigger synced to the leader of a group of two planes, which has the following in its init: 0 = [this, "FLYING","RESPAWNMARKERS=", ["G11", "G12"]] spawn jebus_fnc_main; It all works fine unlinked from the trigger, but once I've got it linked nothing works. Do I need to add something to the init?
  11. If I'm using a trigger to spawn a given group and setting it up as repeatable so that if players leave and re-enter the trigger, the group respawns, will the group double up if they re-enter before the group is destroyed? Or will the script see the units are still alive and ignore the trigger? Edit: To clarify, I can't actually get the triggers working anyway. Standard spawns at scenario start work as intended but I'd like triggers to be in play here to keep the scenario a bit easier to manage and keep the amount of unnecessary units spawned at a minimum.
  12. sgtfuzzle17

    South Asia v1.5 No errors!!

    Just asking on the chance there's an update, any idea roughly when the patch with 8 digit grids will be coming? Nearly have a big mission finalized for it and wondering when I can think about rolling it out.
  13. Just want to check I'm setting this up right so I don't waste a bunch of time - to spawn patrol units off a trigger with the script I editor place them with the inits, then just sync the trigger to the group? Or the group leader? Or is it just wherever the init is for those units?
  14. Got a hand from someone on the /r/armadev subreddit, who was able to walk me through some debugging. Issue was two-fold it seems, but he's got a fix for it - you may want to implement it in your release of the script so the issue doesn't pop up anymore.
  15. I am using modded aircraft, however they're not producing this issue anywhere else; it just seems to be the script. Like I said, its not actually causing any gameplay issues so far but I'd like to avoid the error pop-ups if possible. Any ideas? I can't figure out what the hell it means by a zero divisor in there, all the variables are the same as when I first downloaded the script. Would spacing the planes out help at all? I've got them in formation but they've got plenty of breathing room.
  16. Hi, I'm getting an issue whenever an air group that I'm testing with the script spawns. I'm calling the script in the group leader's init with the following code. I've also tried putting the script in the group init rather than just the leader's. 0 = [this, "FLYING"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; but for some reason, I get a script error pop up stating 11:19:19 Error in expression <tpointsDamageList select _vehicleIndex) select 2; { _newVehicle setHitPointDamag> 11:19:19 Error position: <select 2; { _newVehicle setHitPointDamag> 11:19:19 Error Zero divisor 11:19:19 File jebus\fn_main.sqf [jebus_fnc_main]..., line 287 11:19:20 Error in expression <tpointsDamageList select _vehicleIndex) select 2; { _newVehicle setHitPointDamag> 11:19:20 Error position: <select 2; { _newVehicle setHitPointDamag> 11:19:20 Error Zero divisor 11:19:20 File jebus\fn_main.sqf [jebus_fnc_main]..., line 287 It doesn't seem to be malfunctioning in terms of practical application but I just want to be sure I'm implementing this right and not making any stupid syntax errors. Any ideas?
  17. Is there a way to get around this on a mission edit side of things, or would I need to go digging through the mod files?
  18. Another issue I've come across in my testing; copilot of the Growler can't range the radar out past 4km. They can switch down to 2km but not anywhere else. Is this a glitch, intended or an engine issue?
  19. What about the Growler, any chance of it showing up there?
  20. Any chance you're planning on adding the functionality for the F-15 where you can designate weapons for WSO control to your other two-seater planes? In love with the F-14, EA-18/G and the FA-18/F (from Rhino) but the inability to switch weapons over to the copilot is a bit of a hassle when you're avoiding editor placed objects.