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About Vauun

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    Baking and sweets.
  1. DAC is still viable but it's a pain in the ass to use -- Duuno why you think it's outdated. It's very in-depth and it's difficult to set up the first few times, but it still works. We have people in my group that use it. Personally I use a framework that was developed by one of the members of my group, so regrettably I'm not too helpful with suggestions.
  2. Oh shit, I misinterpreted. My mistake.
  3. Then looking at this, I'd check to make 100% certain that you're using the correct module category name and module name. Can't really diagnose without debug messages or an RPT.
  4. _arrdances = [["kka3_nighclubdance", 41], ["kka3_hiphopdance", 40], ["kka3_crazydrunkdance", 40]]; _randomdance = selectRandom _arrdances; Can be simplified into _randomdance = selectRandom [["kka3_nighclubdance", 41], ["kka3_hiphopdance", 40], ["kka3_crazydrunkdance", 40]]; It'd also help if you posted the syntax for the function Ares_fnc_RegisterCustomModule.
  5. That's because Tanoa is filled with objects especially -- There's very little open space on that map. From the Biki entry on findSafePos: "Specifying quite large distance here will slow the function and might often fail to find suitable position." For Tanoa, mostly anything is a large distance since the game has to search so much for a suitable position. You can try to clear some spawn areas by using the clear objects module in 3den.
  6. I'm not sure why you're saying that, I've done it before in the past and it's worked fine. What're your custom conditions for spawning?
  7. I also suggest you use BIS_fnc_endMissionServer rather than just endMission -- The way you current have this set up, only the local machine will get the end mission. You seem to be executing this on the server, so I highly suggest you read the documentation for endMission -- Running endMission on just the server and not the clients will produce some very strange results. If you're insistent on using that command in particular, you can use the following code: "End7" remoteExec ["endMission", 0];
  8. You can add a check to findSafePos to prevent it from spawning units too close to buildings or rocks. There's a parameter for it -- objDist. I'm not 100% sure this method will work for preventing the spawning of units on the same side too close together, but you can always just add a condition to not spawn the units anywhere near existing units of a certain side.
  9. Why are you looping this through allPlayers? Why don't you just use player and put this in initPlayerLocal.sqf? The way you're currently doing this (I ASSUME this is in initServer.sqf) won't give the event handler to JIPs. Not to mention the fact that this method is more expensive than the one I just described -- Especially for something that runs on mission init. (Reason being for this is that you're offloading the eventHandler addition from doing [X] players all on the server to just having client machines run it once for themselves. Think of it this way: Many hands makes for light work.) Also, I should mention -- With my method described above you don't need the forEach loop. You can just add the eventHandler to the player like normal.