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Everything posted by DukeVenator

  1. DukeVenator

    [Release] GOM - Vehicle Tuning V1.01

    How would I go about adding this to an object ?
  2. DukeVenator

    [Release] GOM - Vehicle Tuning V1.01

    Damn okay then I see
  3. DukeVenator

    [Release] GOM - Vehicle Tuning V1.01

    Curious on how to make it subtract money from a global variable for this script? I see cost was added to the init but confused how to subtract the money
  4. DukeVenator

    Change mass when sling

    I'll go get some more coffee then :)
  5. Hay all! Currently smashing my head against the wall trying to figure this out! So at the moment we are running advanced sling loading but what we want to do is make a script that when a vehicle is sling loaded and it is on a list to change the mass to a different value thats on the list. But Changes the value back to the default value upon detaching from the ropes? Struggling to make this a script.
  6. How to make a add action that shows up for certain players on a list within a certain distance to a marker that moves often? if ((getPlayerUID _player) in call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "CommandStaffList.sqf") then this addAction["Command System", " CommandStaffmenu.sqf" So it pulls the UID from an array in the list file then I want only those ID's to have this add action in for example 20 meters of an object named Mobile Command Center? would this work? Edit: had more coffee nothing is springing to mind Also would it be possible to do make it add to the array from an external file? #include "script_component.hpp" if !(isServer) exitWith {}; LOG("Loading external command list"); //This is the path to external storage folder(folder should be in the root of arma3 folder). externalConfigFolder = "\commandstaff\"; private _mList = []; LOG_1("isFilePatchingEnabled: %1", isFilePatchingEnabled); if(isFilePatchingEnabled) then { private _commandList = loadFile (externalConfigFolder + "\commandlist.txt"); if ( _commandList != "" ) then { //ad _cList = _commandList splitString toString [13,10]; LOG_1("External content from %1",externalConfigFolder + "\commandlist.txt"); }; }; { private _commandID = (_x splitString ", ") select 0; LOG_1("add commandID: %1", _commandID); commandPool pushBackUnique _commandID; } forEach _cList; publicVariable "commandPool";
  7. DukeVenator

    Change mass when sling

    Sigh missed that this is why I shouldn't be trying to code at 4am in the morning.... Thank you for your help!
  8. DukeVenator

    Change mass when sling

    Okay script set to run when ever the server is called Now is there any way to have that array include types? Example If MBT then >
  9. DukeVenator

    Change mass when sling

    Edit: don't mind me having a derp moment