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Everything posted by 27duuude

  1. Working on a Vietnam themed warlords scenario using Unsung assets. I've got a working asset list but it seems like I missed a line or the Unsung assets are missing a line. 2 Problems so far that seem to be directly related. 1. Spits out this error on opening the build list for vehicles on both sides (but not infantry). Error in expression <calize "STR_A3_WL_airdrop_restr1"}; if (_category == "Infantry" && (count units > Error position: <_category == "Infantry" && (count units > Error Undefined variable in expression: _category File A3\Functions_F_Warlords\Warlords\fn_WLSubroutine_purchaseMenuAssetAvailability.sqf..., line 60 2. When spawning any assets, they paradrop as if they are land vehicles. Helicopters and planes drop on a parachute like a truck, boats paradrop on land in the same way. Here is my asset list "description.ext" https://pastebin.com/7MLdMpkV I'm also using a custom faction I made with the ALiVE orbat creator for the independent faction to include guerilla vietcong with the ww2 weapons. There is an error for the custom faction but I don't think that would affect the build list: ERROR: Switch uniform! Uniform is not supported by soldier Uniform UNS_VC_U is not allowed for soldier class I_VietnamLocal_Forces_Guerilla_Deputy_PPSH_41_Jungle_01 No idea if removing the parameters from this file will help but that's my next step. The map is Nam by Variable A. This could be why the spawns aren't lining up with runways, helipads and water but I'm thinking it's more to do with the error. Tested on Altis so it has to be the build list. I will consider making another custom faction with the ALiVE orbat creator.
  2. Been working on a few warlords scenarios but for some reason I can't get all of the independent vehicles to spawn with a patrol. Not sure if it's random or if I've got a setting mixed up somewhere. Only the first locations vehicle will spawn, then none after that. They are all synchronized to the sector module and have multiple commands to keep them in the area. I'm working with the syndicate faction from the apex dlc, trying to spawn the MB 4wd LMG. I've also got the response team modules setup with unmanned vehicles which don't seem to be working either. Wondering if anyone else has had this problem, I'm also using the ryans zombies mod. There are a lot of sectors and most of them have the MB LMG, thinking there may be too many on the map or too many sectors on the map. I'll try to get a mission file uploaded soon. I can remove the zombies mod to test the vehicles at some point but ive been very busy lately.
  3. Helicopter physics seem to feel closer to a rail system recently. I've got all the difficulty options up, but they still feel too responsive and with less aerodynamic effects. Vortex ring state is still a new term to me , but other shaking and wing noise seem to be gone. Also the turn rates on everything seem to be really fast now. Pitch, roll and yaw is faster to accelerate even with controller curves turned way down. I noticed RHS has way lower stress damage tolerance, but the VRS and accelerations seem to be the same. I realize Arma isn't trying to be DCS world with future equipment, but I also can't find much in the patch notes about it changing so much. Would be nice to see some more options in the advanced flight model for noise, max turn rates or VRS effects just for making vanilla stuff more difficult. I'm enjoying the easier flying, but feels like the heli challenge has a low upper limit (if that makes any sense). Atorq damage was something I struggled with for a while, but the other helicopter atmospheric effects I remember seem to be missing or really reduced influence on flying. Anyone else notice the change?