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Everything posted by MuRaZorWitchKING

  1. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Zombies (from as far as I can remember) in Ravage don’t tend to spawn in these areas purposely mate, the few I find in wilderness are the ones that occasionally spawn next to deer stands, or even light poles in fields, and that’s like 1 zombie per pole / stand. And it isn’t for every one either, it’s like 25% chance probably. (Atleast from how I’ve set up, and from what I’ve seen 😉 ) You could attempt to trigger zombies spawning in the woods, fields, etc with the horde spawner, obviously don’t go overboard, but maybe like spawners with a count of 5 or so per every other field wouldn’t be bad. Cheers mate.
  2. MuRaZorWitchKING


    I ended up just grabbing the “.jpg” yeah, all is good now brother. 🙂 Thanks for the assist! 🍻 On another note, the “test” mission is up on Steam set up as private. 😉 My mission is almost 250MB... Ravage is just over 410MB... That shows how many files, and things have gone into the making of this mission. 😂
  3. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Browsing over my hints and I am wanting to add in an image of the "Land_Antibiotic_F" but the only image I could find is located within "\A3\Structures_F_EPA\Items\Medical\data\Antibiotic_F.p3d" Does anyone know if ".p3d" images are accessible through "BIS_fnc_advHint" or are the advHints limited to ".paa" files only? Cheers EDIT: it seems “.jpg” files work with advhints, so I’m just going to use a “.jpg” file.
  4. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Possibly looking for beta testers to test the latest, and most current version of my mission "The Burning Rain" with tons of things edited, added, and tweaked I am mainly looking towards stability, and longevity of mission game play (can play for long amounts of time without crashes, bugs, etc...) I'm in the midst of testing myself but I don't have the time to do very long sessions but I will definitely try to do so. 🙂 I am also curious on the fixes of the in-scenario missions and how they'll do with long playtime within the map, as well as how the weather system holds out as well. If interested shoot me a PM, I only really need one person, but if more would like to test that is fine as well. I'm looking for people that can play a SINGLE mission for lengths at a time, and doesn't mind playing it for possibly more than a week or two? You will also receive credits on Steam workshop page, and even within the scenario’s diary page. (beta tester, tester, pre-release tester, whatever name you want, you choose! ) I’m even open to adding others within the map itself, and make special characters!! 😉 I am very close to updated release, and just want to make sure I got most things ironed out before another update... (been working on this update since late May...) Thanks all! 🍻
  5. MuRaZorWitchKING


    I just bought all the “half-life” series on steam during the sale. 6 bucks for the whole collection. And It’s been quite awhile before I’ve played them. I missed the crowbar... 😂
  6. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Gearpool issue is now fixed, thanks for the help Haleks. Removing the “_Weapon” bit worked as you said it would, I guess any “gear” related item can have a proxy if info is copied in various ways as for my instance on the ground. I’m now even closer than I was previously towards my newer update, so far, so good. 😉
  7. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Yeah, I guess if you place weapons on the ground and copy them to clipboard, the classname is different then the actual classname. With placing them on the ground and copying to clipboard it adds “_Weapon” in the middle of the classname for some reason. So you have to use Virtual Arsenal. 😂😂
  8. MuRaZorWitchKING


    True, very true.
  9. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Holy crap! Use spoiler tags matey 😂😂😂 Those are some big ass arrays 🤣🤣
  10. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Tried Arma 3 set to weapons only, and CUP same thing. Those are the only two supporting weapons at the moment, Vanilla weapons, CUP weapons, that’s it.
  11. MuRaZorWitchKING


    I am classing a ton of CUP weapons, so that could possibly be the issue...? I seriously don’t know. 😂
  12. MuRaZorWitchKING


    I’m getting the same thing, I’ve already sent my examples to Haleks, and have tested relentlessly myself, Bandits and Renegades spawn with no weapon, and traders get bugged out as well...
  13. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Don't worry I can’t either, dudes off the grid! 😂
  14. MuRaZorWitchKING


    I ditched the making of that system, as adding in your own temperature variables is truly a pain in the ass, and classing EVERY number is a ton of work... But have been highly tweaking and even implemented my own versions of JohnO’s detrimental effects scripts, I have multiple versions running in my mission with height, water, and weather ALL being different variables. The WIP has been extremely good so far and hopefully this next update I will have a FULL weather system in working order. Haleks has suggested that I learn functions as it would really improve performance based on the scripts, so I may look into doing that some more. When I’m done I’ll give you a shout and you can rip the newest and most improved versions from my mission and use them. I’m also possibly going to be changing up the notifications icons that display as of current there are some thermometers and a red skull meaning you are seriously ill or heading that way, I’m going to see if I can make more appealing visuals for the system. ☠️💀🌡🌡 Cheers 🍻
  15. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Exactly the reason I took a break from editing, got extremely tired of people who don’t mod, script, or even know anything about the Arma franchise but they want “Triple A title” like work from us even though we don’t make ANY money off of our releases... After awhile it becomes a bit of a joke. And one can only take so many punches to the stomach from bugs in game that are completely out of their control. The only reason the workshop is populated with such gems is BECAUSE of people that put their own time and dedication into work. I also CANNOT stand when people use 40+ mods while playing on your release and then complain that nothing is working properly. This is exactly why my next update I’m adding in a notes section (in the briefing section) where it’s stating if you’re using more then the recommended mods and if any bugs or glitches occur then I’m ignoring them. “tHiS sCeNaRiO iS bRoKeN.” ”rAvAgE iS a BrOkeN mOd.” Like come on.... I’d like to see them throw a mission together.
  16. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Are you trying via ‘Arsenal’ in the editor?
  17. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Yeah man I should have one somewhere on my PC. I’ll browse around for it. 😉
  18. MuRaZorWitchKING


    It can, but I wouldn’t trust Arma to keep up with cleaning. As @kodabar told me sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. GF has a cleaning system you can edit WHEN and WHAT it cleans, you can choose to run it only once or to have it loop as well. 🙂 EDIT: I would test it to make sure, can never hurt. Maybe run a mission for a while, see if it starts to stutter or slow down?
  19. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Not if you have ‘garbage collection’ turned off. I believe this can be found in the ‘Settings’ menu in the editor. Then it should not. 🙂 But you want some sort of ‘cleaner’ because of bodies, and over population of “ground loot” because both after some time can crash a mission. Cheers!
  20. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Perhaps you could visit some of Phronk’s work for such an added feature? 😉 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31805 Remember you can also use a simple “On Killed” EH for loot drops as well matey, if you want just banknotes, food, drinks, etc to drop.
  21. MuRaZorWitchKING


    @RZNUNKWN I highly recommend taking a look at this loot system, it’s one I’ve used for some time, pairs quite nicely with GF’s cleanup system. And then you make this loot spawned loop, and you’ll always have loot spread across the map. (DayZ style loot) I’m not at my computer at the moment, but next time I’m on I can share my looper with you. Cheers! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25668
  22. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Yeah that would work, as it populates each building with loot. Just like Bangabobs’ script I believe. Both not bad options!
  23. MuRaZorWitchKING


    No, but I was highly debating it. That map looks very well done! You could try and mix Stalker anomalies with Ravage, I think the Pseudo-dogs and Blood suckers would be a nice touch. (And they may even work with it. I’m unsure though.)
  24. MuRaZorWitchKING


    I don’t think I’m the first to say that I’ve purposely shot and killed ‘friendly’ units before... 😕 I was starving and dehydrated and the supplies trader had both goods... It wasn’t my fault. 😔 The crispy rabbit meat he sold (gave over unwillingly) was quite tasty. I enjoyed it by a nice warm campfire, I used with their matches as well. 🔥 🌡 😈 😏 I think we all have those moments in Ravage when you gotta do what you gotta do... Even if it means killing those closest to you. **Receives friendly “Hey.” From fellow survivor** **Notices they have good shit, so figures being a bandit isn’t THAT bad...*** Admit it... You’ve done it too... 😂😂
  25. MuRaZorWitchKING


    Go a bit easier on the fog settings, and eeriness would ya? I screamed when I saw a damn Ghillied up zombo that took like 5 shots in the head to kill... 😩 😂😂