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About determity@googlemail.com

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  1. determity@googlemail.com

    CLY Remove Dead script

    well i flatout cant get this script to do anything after making a test mission in Arma 2 CO editor. i have an init.sqf with: [10,10] execVM "cly_removedead.sqf"; and of course the script file itself is present in the mission folder but no infantry units are being deleted 10 secs or anytime after i kill them. i have no mods loaded either. Is the script just out of date now or something ? Shame if so as i really need a delete body script to run on my escape edits Edit : Nevermind LOL my cly removedead sqf file was out of date , dowloading the latest github version got this script working in no time atall. Thank u sir for this essential addition
  2. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    Another way you can play solo is to use Vandeansons Apocalypse mod ( the old version ) , in the configure addons menu here you can set a list of AI classes friendly to your side , however many you want and have them spawn as often as you need them to and distance they spawn from you also . These 'stalker' ai will follow you or the squad leader around the map wherever you go and get involved in the action. Whilst they cannot revive you it still boosts your chances of survival on solo and makes for a more fps friendly alternative to wartorn mode ( you can set several friendly groups to spawn at various distances and have them despawn at a set distance ) . Also with this mod you can effectively set your health to regen back to full over a set time and also change the movement speed of the player. We have this mod on the DYEA Escape server if you want to see how it works in escape. Im currently building a SOGPF mission on UMB Colombia to upload to the server this weekend. We also have loot in houses and occupied enemy airfields with capturable assets.
  3. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    Hello everyone over the Halloween season i will be running a special zombie escape server on 3 maps ( Limestone , Rosche , Dingor ) Server Name : D.Y.E.A ZOMBIE ESCAPE LIMESTONE / ROSCHE / DINGOR Address: Port: 2487 Host: GTXGAMING There will be a lot of mods to download but everything has been optimised and it runs nice. Come check out the unique and intense experience of necroplauge zombie escape
  4. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    Yes sir absolutely! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p7hvmeai5taplpr/AADsHJtNTIG17MMVq-BZCqKaa?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zzdin1bmdyj3zyb/AABcKWErHVmUNGcTT902dcPSa?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r9v06dfa9m7drhp/AAAteP76HK56z2FXsoYjC4rna?dl=0
  5. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    @aussie battler , ya know i completely forgot that Scuffy posted detailed instructions on how to correctly port to other maps , well ive now taken this all on board and made great progress ( it was easier than i thought , but very time consuming ! ) I have now created a correctly ported mission on the UMB Colombia terrain and edited the unit configs to use South American factions from the selected mods. Here is the published steam workshop version , the dropbox link to the mission PBO can be found there too. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2631992796 Me and a friend have done many hours of testing , and with debug on at times , i have yet to find anything that is broken , evac is working fine , all military traffic and patrols seem to be spawning correctly , all village and boat markers populate as they should , altho im not sure how to get boat evac working, but apart from that everything plays solid from start to finish
  6. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    Thank you for sharing this knowledge sir , it is certainly an avenue i need to explore if i want to perfect my own ideas for escape missions
  7. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    Hi guys im working on making some custom edits of Escape with different factions , altho im currently using similar size maps to use as templates for my chosen map . Watch this space.
  8. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    Hello Sir , any chance you will be planning to do Escape Werferlingen , with the new cold war factions ?
  9. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    You can get Massis African Conflict from steam workshop here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=578676125 . I would really like to play Escape on SE Angola with African Conflict so add me on steam if you would like to have a crack with me - Gavinda Jai Jai
  10. determity@googlemail.com

    co10 Escape

    So ive trying out the different modsets for Escape , i see there are different Variations of CUP , RHS and vanilla missions there to choose from , but what mods exactly do i need to run the missions that have AT in the name ?