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About mcduke45

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    Private First Class

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  1. I've made a mission and tested it out. Surprisingly it actually works, but now how do I make it playable on a dedicated server that my friends and I rent? I've packed it using pbo manager and uploaded it to the server placing it in mp missions with the other missions, but when I tried to join it I got bumped back to my server map choices. I have a total of 10 playable characters, but I have AI disabled and I think this might be the problem. I don't want any of the player slots available for AI to play. I would like to just have players come in and choose on of the 10 playable characters I've set up.
  2. I have the Saitek X52 hotas ( I know, but I still like it ) and would like to set up the trigger on the joystick to fire the machine guns on the Pawnee and use one of the buttons to fire the rockets. After all it does come with a safe flap that covers a button meant to fire rockets or missles. It seems the only choice I have now is to select the individual weapon groups which will then be fired by the joystick trigger. I'd like to use machine guns and rockets at the same time without stopping to select a weapon group to use. .
  3. I clicked on Arma 3 in my steam files, clicked on properties and verified the integrity of game files. My drivers are also updated. I have the parameters at default. I was able to get into a vanilla server, so what does that mean?
  4. I get an exit code: 0xC0000374-STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION? How do I fix this?
  5. ? The problem is that I can't even join the server. It states: missing DLC: Jet, Laws Of War, and Tanks. So that's the problem, I can't even join. When I asked the game server company to remove the DLCs from the server I got the above mentioned message. I wan to know if a dedicated server package comes with any DLCs built into it, or is just run a vanilla version of the game with no DLCs.
  6. My friends and I are renting a server to run arma 3 coop maps. When I tried to get on my server yesterday (first time) it states I'm missing the following DLCs: Jets, Laws of War , and Tanks, which my friends and I do not have. I sent a request to them about removing the DLCs and got this response: From what I can tell there is no safe way to remove DLC from a server without causing different issues with either joining or playing. I thought that when you got the dedicated server package it was just a vanilla version of the game with no DLCs attached. Am I wrong?
  7. mcduke45

    Typical noob needs help! In bootcamp tutorial?

    Thanks for your help and the doh was for me (that I should be able to figure some of this out).
  8. mcduke45

    Typical noob needs help! In bootcamp tutorial?

    Well doh! Okay thanks.
  9. Sigh, it's sad when I have difficulties just getting through the tutorial I'm not blaming the game, just my lack of grasping what's probably obvious. When I get to the part where I'm suppose to go the the crate and open it up, how do I bring up the mouse cursor. I hit a bunch of buttons and it came up, but I don't know specifically what I did. Ten when told to indatll the scope on my gun I can't find the scope. It seems like it's just grab and drag to my inventory, but I didn't even see a scope. So what am I doing wrong?
  10. Thanks terox, I'll check it out then. My friends and I have rented a server for Killing Floor as it's the only fps game that has up to 6 player coop we've been searching for something that allows up to 10 player coop. . It seems most are 2 player coop, or maybe 4. I then saw all the missions for coop that allow up to 32 or more players. That's insane! The company we rent the server from offer ArmA 3, but says ArmA 3 isn't set up to use redirect downloads for the addons created by players. Anyone know why Bohemia Interactive wouldn't have something like that built into the game?
  11. I guess I didn't do a good job of trying to explain myself (sorry). I do know that any mods, missions, etc. I would have to download and install on the ArmA 3 server, much like what i had to do when running them in UT or COD server. I know that ArmA 3 is based on more realistic combat and I prefer that. Other then the fast twitch UT game I never really cared for the run and gun of the games. I remember the old MOHAA game didn't have the ability to download so my friends had to manually install any custom map used. Since the vanilla maps will download to the player automatically are there many custom coop vanilla maps/missions? I'm hoping to find 4 player and really hoping to find 6 to 8 player coop. Will custom mods and missions made by players also be downloaded from the server? Thanks for your help.
  12. I'm interested in having our rented server run ArmA 3. We've been running Killing Floor because it allows up to 6 player coop which we prefer over mutliplayer. I didn't realize how many coop maps ArmA 3 has available with some allowing up to 10 player coop. The server we use to rent Killing Floor also has ArmA 3 available. We use to run a server for COD and even the venerable Unreal Tounament so I'm somewhat versed in running a server, but I'm unsure on how to proceed with setting up a coop server for ArmA 3. Especially after I noticed all the mods available and packs out there. So I have some questions: Would an ArmA 3 server automatically download the mods and maps to players if required? If I'm running one type of game that's using a mod, when the game switches to a different map ( game ) will it load only whats needed to the players, or is there any manual configuration needed? thanks