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About xKacperinos

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  1. Hello! Recently I was working on my Modded RP Server and I wanted to give all the items (weapons,items etc) icons. Because the modpack is so large, I cannot go through every mod giving it an icon. Is there anyway I can make a mod that gives everything the server icon?
  2. Did that and everything loads fine.
  3. That is the altis life mods and my mod pack. I believe everything is loading properly.
  4. Yes it loads fine in the editor! On another forum someone told me to fix this error. 22:57:43 Error in expression <ata\map\MapControl\fuelstation_ca.paa"] ["cop_spawn_3","Police Air HQ","\a3\ui_f> 22:57:43 Error position: <["cop_spawn_3","Police Air HQ","\a3\ui_f> 22:57:43 Error Missing ] 22:57:43 File dialog\function\fn_spawnPointCfg.sqf [life_fnc_spawnPointCfg], line 22 22:57:43 Error in expression <ata\map\MapControl\fuelstation_ca.paa"] ["cop_spawn_3","Police Air HQ","\a3\ui_f> 22:57:43 Error position: <["cop_spawn_3","Police Air HQ","\a3\ui_f> 22:57:43 Error Missing ] 22:57:43 File dialog\function\fn_spawnPointCfg.sqf [life_fnc_spawnPointCfg], line 22 But im not sure how I should fix this.
  5. Hello! Recently I was working on an Altis life mission but as I tried to load it in TADST, I got a mission read error. I am guessing by the RPT log that this is cause by "No speaker giver for xxx".