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About dex01

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hi, I'm trying to play DRO missions with my friends, but on some maps I reported this error. (example with x-cam-taunus map, esseker map, etc) No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.xcam_taunus\description.ext\sundayDialog/controls/mapBox.RailWay'. What does this error involve in the game? How can I solve it? I have all the required mods, and the last maps released, so I can't understand. Thanks
  2. dex01

    G.R.U.N.T.S Mission pack (MP/Coop Campaign)

    In fact I didn't have AOW DLC installed. Thanks
  3. dex01

    G.R.U.N.T.S Mission pack (MP/Coop Campaign)

    Hi, I tried to play these missions but this error is reported. mpmissions\__cur_mp.ALtis\mission.sqm/Mission\Entities/Item57/Entities/Item0.type:Vehicle class B_Officer_Parade_F no longer exist. I have no mod loaded. How can I solve? Thank you
  4. I tried and it seems to be what I was looking for ! But I did not understand how to end the mission when I finished respawn. Could you show me how to do this? Thank you
  5. Tonight I'll try to edit the files as you suggested. Thanks to all for the support.
  6. I read what you suggested but I do not understand how to adapt it to my files. What code should I implement in my OnPlayerRespawn.sqf file? description.ext class Params { class Respawn { title = "Respawn"; values[] = {0,1,2,3}; texts[] = {"20 Seconds", "45 Seconds", "90 Seconds", "Disabled"}; default = 1; }; class RespawnPositions { title = "Respawn Positions"; values[] = {0,1,2}; texts[] = {"Both", "Starting location only", "Team only"}; default = 0; }; class RespawnNumbers { title = "Respawn Numbers"; values[] = {0,4,8}; texts[] = {"Disabled", "4", "8"}; default = 1; }; }; How can I activate the respawn number parameter in the OnPlayerRespawn.sqf ?? Thank you
  7. Hi all, I hope this is the right section to post my questions that I previously posted in another section but I could not move here or delete.. I'm playing DRO missions in SP and in MP with a friend and I'd like to limit total respawns in the mission (now is illimitate) adding a mission parameter. Someone can tell me how can I do this? part of description.ext respawn = 3; respawnButton = 1; respawnDelay = 45; respawnDialog = 0; respawnOnStart = 0; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"}; class Params { class Respawn { title = "Respawn"; values[] = {0,1,2,3}; texts[] = {"20 Seconds", "45 Seconds", "90 Seconds", "Disabled"}; default = 1; }; class RespawnPositions { title = "Respawn Positions"; values[] = {0,1,2}; texts[] = {"Both", "Starting location only", "Team only"}; default = 0; }; }; OnPlayerRespawn.sqf diag_log format ["DRO: %1 respawn: %2", player, _this]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; if (!isNil "loadoutSavingStarted") then { if (loadoutSavingStarted) then { playerRespawning = true; _loadout = player getVariable "respawnLoadout"; if (!isNil "_loadout") then { diag_log format ["DRO: Respawning with loadout = %1", _loadout]; player setUnitLoadout _loadout; }; if (!isNil "respawnTime") then { setPlayerRespawnTime respawnTime; }; deleteVehicle (_this select 1); playerRespawning = false; }; }; if (!isNil "droGroupIconsVisible") then { if (droGroupIconsVisible) then { setGroupIconsVisible [true, false]; }; }; Thanks
  8. To integrate my request placed the configuration files hoping they can be useful. Part of Description.ext respawn = 3; respawnButton = 1; respawnDelay = 45; respawnDialog = 0; respawnOnStart = 0; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"}; class Params { class Respawn { title = "Respawn"; values[] = {0,1,2,3}; texts[] = {"20 Seconds", "45 Seconds", "90 Seconds", "Disabled"}; default = 1; }; class RespawnPositions { title = "Respawn Positions"; values[] = {0,1,2}; texts[] = {"Both", "Starting location only", "Team only"}; default = 0; }; }; OnPlayerKilled.sqf if (isMultiplayer) then { //player setVariable ["respawnLoadout", (getUnitLoadout player)]; if ((paramsArray select 0) == 3) then { [player, -2000, true] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; diag_log ([player, 0, true] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets); [missionNamespace, -2000] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; //setPlayerRespawnTime 0; }; }; What does it mean -2000 ?? OnPlayerRespawn.sqf diag_log format ["DRO: %1 respawn: %2", player, _this]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; if (!isNil "loadoutSavingStarted") then { if (loadoutSavingStarted) then { playerRespawning = true; _loadout = player getVariable "respawnLoadout"; if (!isNil "_loadout") then { diag_log format ["DRO: Respawning with loadout = %1", _loadout]; player setUnitLoadout _loadout; }; if (!isNil "respawnTime") then { setPlayerRespawnTime respawnTime; }; deleteVehicle (_this select 1); playerRespawning = false; }; }; if (!isNil "droGroupIconsVisible") then { if (droGroupIconsVisible) then { setGroupIconsVisible [true, false]; }; }; Thanks
  9. Hi all, I hope this is the right section to post my questions.. I'm playing DRO missions in SP and in MP with a friend and I'd like to limit total respawns in the mission (now is illimitate), someone can tell me how can I do this? Thanks
  10. Now I can not access the PC where I installed Arma 3, but I'm trying to download the package from google drive instead of torrent. If I do not solve, I will post the RPT file. Thanks
  11. Hi all, I do not know if it has already been reported but I have downloaded the latest version of the core package ( Terrains 1.4.2 Core ) and when I install it I am reporting this error. How do I solve the problem? Thanks