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About EchoTwoZero

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  1. Thanks, Larrow. That's probably the issue here - I can get other modules to sync up through scripting, but this one seems to never work! I'll have a rethink about how I'll get it to work!
  2. Hopefully someone here can help answer this! Essentially, I'm trying to do what it says in the title - I have a script that will place down random empty vehicles in set locations on mission start. Once the vehicles have spawned, I would like to synchronize them to an editor placed module. I can't seem to get it to work though... I've tried : MODULENAME synchronizeObjectsAdd [vehicle1]; as well as spawning the module through the script itself, to no avail. Cheers for any help!
  3. Thank you so much! That works perfectly! Amazing!
  4. Hopefully someone can help me, and I think this is probably quite simple, I just can't seem to figure it out tonight! I was hoping that there was a way to tie the number of a team's respawn tickets to the number of items in a crate. e.g. there are 4 medkits in a crate so they have 4 respawn tickets. If they add 2, they have 6 respawn tickets and if they remove 3 they only have 3 respawn tickets remaining. Any help with this would be much appreciated! Cheers!