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Everything posted by Ensign_St

  1. Ensign_St

    HAFM NAVY v1.5 Release

    Thanks for the reply. I totally understand that! Best wishes and thanks for taking the ship into consideration. Take care!
  2. Ensign_St

    HAFM NAVY v1.5 Release

    Hello, Applion and a happy new year! First of all congrats for your amazing work! I made a forum account just to congratulate you. I am using this mod along with the HAFM base mod for a couple of months now and I am impressed by your work. I would like to make a request if its possible for an another vessel, the same that the other users have mentioned. The roussen class fast attack craft. I mostly use your smaller boats like the patrol boat, the gunboat and the CB90. I have tons of fun with them in Tanoa especially. That's why I am asking for the roussen class vessel. It is small but deadly. It has more weapons than a frigate haha. And it is used only from the Greek navy as I am aware. I know that you prefer to do Greek equipment so I really hope you can get some time and make this ship available for us. I strongly believe it would be a great addition for Arma 3 and the Tanoa map especially due to its armory and its a beautifull ship as well. It has an Otobreda 76 mm naval gun in the bow section allong with two other 30mm on the middle. It does also have anti-air and anti-missile protection with the RIM-116 RAM missile system. Futhermore, it carries eight Exocet anti-ship missiles. Its a beast! Below I have a picture showing its armament. Thanks for your time and sorry for the long text. I hope you can take the request into consideration!