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Lopalmcivet _

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Everything posted by Lopalmcivet _

  1. Basically, I want the script to detect that if the player is on a plane with the classname Z_planeA, and the plane's speed exceeds 600km, it switches from the blufor to the civilian and hints [high-speed diving mode], and returns to the plane when the speed is lower than 600km. to the blufor I have used trigger to achieve this function before but I want to make it to script The trigger condition is: speed vehicle player >= 600 The triggering effect is: _newGroup = createGroup CIVILIAN; if (playerSide isEqualTo west) then { [player] joinSilent _newGroup; };hint "This machine is detaching at high speed" The effect when not triggered is: [player] joinSilent createGroup west;hint "Release high-speed breakaway state" anyone can help me please?
  2. I found that unitcapture can't record the player's landing gear lowering , and I want to record an AI aircraft landing on an carrier , but if AI doesn't know how to put down his landing gear, it's all out of the question unit action ["LandGear", unit]; will not work,it's only for player or when player in that vehicle it's work,if don't it's not work any idea?????plz help
  3. Lopalmcivet _

    UnitCapture and landing gear down?

    these code only work if player in the vehicle,but what I want is a unitcaputre plane unit put down its gear without player in it
  4. Lopalmcivet _

    UnitCapture and landing gear down?

    seems like it doesn't work anymore,anything changed?
  5. The reason why I want to implement this script is because it can achieve the effect of the aircraft escaping in a high-speed dive. After the player aircraft switches to the civilian, AI aircraft will abandon the target and return after chasing the player for a period of time. I think this is really cool. I use trigger implemented this function but I want it to be sqf
  6. Lopalmcivet _

    ai low rate when firing a custom lmg

    maybe the ifa3 and face of war's mg42 using some special scripts or something like that?so they don't have this problem?
  7. I made a MG42 machine gun and set the rate of fire to reloadTime=0.039999999; which mean a very high speed fire But in my own test, fire rate is ok, but when the AI uses this machine gun, the frequency of AI shooting is very strange. The AI will fire at intervals of 0.1-0.2 seconds for each bullet This also led the gun with a very high firing rate became much lower under the use of AI the ifa3 and face of war one is ok but mine is just not work,anyone can help me?
  8. Lopalmcivet _

    ai low rate when firing a custom lmg

    and there is my config about the fire mode class Full: Mode_FullAuto { sounds[]= { "StandardSound" }; class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { begin1[]= { "mg42\sounds\mg42.wss", 3, 1, 500 }; soundBegin[]= { "begin1", 1 }; }; reloadTime=0.039999999; autoFire=1; dispersion=0.001; aiRateOfFire=0.039999999; aiRateOfFireDistance=100; minRange=0; minRangeProbab=0.89999998; midRange=15; midRangeProbab=0.99999999; maxRange=30; maxRangeProbab=0.5; }; class Far: Full { aiBurstTerminable=1; showToPlayer=0; burst=3; burstRangeMax=12; aiRateOfFire=4; aiRateOfFireDispersion=3; aiRateOfFireDistance=600; minRange=300; minRangeProbab=0.64999998; midRange=400; midRangeProbab=0.25; maxRange=500; maxRangeProbab=0.050000001; }; class Medium: Full { aiBurstTerminable=1; showToPlayer=0; autoFire=1; burst=4; burstRangeMax=12; aiRateOfFire=0.000000001; aiRateOfFireDispersion=2; aiRateOfFireDistance=300; minRange=100; minRangeProbab=0.75; midRange=200; midRangeProbab=0.69999999; maxRange=300; maxRangeProbab=0.2; }; class Short: Medium { showToPlayer=0; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=0.000000001; aiRateOfFireDistance=50; minRange=10; minRangeProbab=0.050000001; midRange=50; midRangeProbab=0.5; maxRange=100; maxRangeProbab=0.039999999; };
  9. As shown in the video, I made a retractable thing, but obviously the retracting speed is too fast, almost in a second. How can I make it slowly rise and fall slowly?
  10. Lopalmcivet _

    retract animation speed

    I found that if I define it as Hatch and then I press turn out in the game then everything works fine, but my own defined useraction has the problem class UserActions { class opendoor { displayName="up"; hideOnUse=1; condition="this animationPhase ""riseAndfall"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""riseAndfall"", 1];"; }; class closedoor { displayName="down"; hideOnUse=1; condition="this animationPhase ""riseAndfall"" >= 0.5 "; statement="this animate [""riseAndfall"", 0];"; }; }; class AnimationSources { class recoil_source {source = "reload";weapon = "In_S53";}; //class muzzle_rot {source = "ammorandom"; weapon = "In_AZP23";}; class HatchC { source="door"; animPeriod=0.80000001; }; class HatchG: HatchC {}; class HatchD: HatchC {}; class riseAndfall { displayname="riseAndfall"; source="user"; animPeriod=1; sourceAddress="loop"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; }; }; that's what in my config there shouldn't be any script here either.
  11. Lopalmcivet _

    retract animation speed

    I've tried all about animPeriod and it doesn't work.I also tried binarize but still not work.Now I really don't understand why the animation completes in a split second
  12. Lopalmcivet _

    retract animation speed

    class riseAndfall{ type="translationy"; source="user"; selection="retract"; sourceAddress="clamp"; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; memory=0; offset0=0; offset1=1; and here is the model.cfg I don't know if it has something to do with these values?
  13. Lopalmcivet _

    PMC Taiwan Kinmen

    Can't download?May you upload to google drive or somewhere else?
  14. Lopalmcivet _

    UnitCapture and landing gear down?

    shit it's work , you are god !
  15. Lopalmcivet _

    Faces of War [WW2]

    those uniform look like the japanese army?
  16. Lopalmcivet _

    Faces of War [WW2]

    will you guys make more jap helment in the furture?http://www.germanmilitaria.com/Japanese/Photos/J012872.html It just seem like a snif helment but replace the snif logo to a star
  17. Lopalmcivet _

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Will you make more Japanese uniforms in the next update?https://auctions.c.yimg.jp/images.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/image/dr000/auc0309/users/2/1/7/3/nakajima194jp-img600x398-15043279404iuzzm16068.jpg I do think that the german uniform is good enough but hope you also make more japanese uniform because there is no any else mod that include ww2 pacific war.Whatever I am glad to see this mod just update before because I am waiting for your update a long time.