I just recently discovered the Liberation scenarios, and tried out Malden last night for the first time.
I am... impressed, to say the least. Myself and one friend set up an FOB south of Radio Tower, took it over, took the small docks to on the extreme south of the island, and then took over the Outpost to the north. The most fun I've had in ARMA in a long, long time.
My question is about unlocked vehicles when you capture control points. At the outpost, there is a marker that indicates you get access to a vehicle if you take the outpost. We took the outpost, but I cannot seem to figure out where this vehicle is, or what I do to get it. Is the actual vehicle just there somewhere? Or is it more like it gets added to our build list? I'm worried that if it is just there already and you're supposed to jump into it and drive away, I more than likely blew the snot out of it with a Titan by mistake.