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Everything posted by Unknown_GTX

  1. DESCRIPTION: Generates a lightweight and fully customizable compass ui on your screen resembling the one from battlegrounds. Easily place your markers on the map and they will update on everyones compass. Here is an example video. Preview the script || mod at YouTube or Gfycat. Customization options: Change the width, span and the positon of the compass in y-axis. Specify y-Offset if problems occure. Switch between compass-profiles and the point names. [N - 15 - 30 || N - 20 - 40] WIP Create your own characteristics in form of: Size, Alpha, Hex-Color, Font, Shadow or a inversion. Set the y-Offset for markers or toggle visibility. Save your customization. Stays saved over game-restarts. DOWNLOAD: Steam Workshop 1.1 (addon updated) DOWNLOAD: Dropbox 1.1 (single script file) DOWNLOAD: Armaholic EXILE'S XM8: GitHub tutorial on how to install this script on your exile server! (1.1) by @aussie battler METHODS OF USAGE: mission-creators (dropbox) init.sqf _x = [] execVM "fn_voyagerCompass.sqf"; addon-users (workshop) It runs by default. Settings can be accessed through pause-screen button. UPDATE 1.1: - Mod compatibility created (ACE³, RHS, CBA). - Mod structure created thanks to @Flax. - Removed action-entry. Added button on pause-screen. - Math/Logic optimization thanks to LittleWizard8. - Fixed singleplayer issues. - Fixed 3DEN issues. - Fixed extreme performance impact. Markers still are a huge impact* - Script version updated. TODO: - Add color support for markers. Legal: I dont mind people using my code in their projects. But if you do so please correctly attribute me "Unknown_GTX & @Flax" if you are going to share it.
  2. Your help in combination with this link solved my problem. Thank you!
  3. I get this error everytime the game starts up & when a mission is being startup. But only if i own the apex dlc! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/964224088525703614/C8AB26D25C26A6AE7CF500F5286D1056D72CDCD7/ I have put disableSerialization in every of the 3 script files but it doesnt work either. Then i just moved every control over to uinamespace but it still is the same. What did i overlook? The script works anyway but the warning message is annoying for every subscriber ofcourse. Heres the workshop btw. The first script/function is loaded from the config: class initCompass {postInit = 1;}; here is initCompass sqf disableSerialization; waitUntil {!isNull player}; UGTX_needCompass = true; UGTX_toggle = true; UGTX_posTop = true; UGTX_imgCompImg = "\MyProject\compass\imgs\default-sfp.paa"; UGTX_imgScrollLock = "\MyProject\compass\imgs\key-scrolllock.paa"; UGTX_imgEnd = "\MyProject\compass\imgs\key-end.paa"; UGTX_imgPgUp = "\MyProject\compass\imgs\key-pageup.paa"; [] spawn { disableSerialization; while {true} do { waitUntil { UGTX_toggle && (!UGTX_needCompass OR (UGTX_needCompass && ("ItemCompass" in (assignedItems Player)))) }; _compassInit = [] spawn UGTX_fnc_showCompass; waitUntil { !UGTX_toggle OR (UGTX_needCompass && !("ItemCompass" in (assignedItems Player))) }; ["864", "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; GTX_ctrlGrp = uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_ctrlGrp"; GTX_compNeed = uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_compNeed"; GTX_grpBg = uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_grpBg"; ctrlDelete GTX_ctrlGrp; ctrlDelete GTX_compNeed; ctrlDelete GTX_grpBg; };}; GTX_ctrlGrp = uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_ctrlGrp"; GTX_compNeed = uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_compNeed"; GTX_grpBg = uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_grpBg"; UGTX_fnc_keyDown = { switch (_this select 1) do { case 70: { UGTX_shift = true; _title = "<t color='#fbfbfb' size='1.3' shadow='1' font='PuristaSemiBold' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>VoyagerCompass Lite</t><br/><br/><br/>"; _text = "<img image='"+ UGTX_imgScrollLock +"' size='2' /> + <img image='"+ UGTX_imgEnd +"' size='2'/> Toggle Compass<br/><br/>"; _text2 = "<img image='"+ UGTX_imgScrollLock +"' size='2'/> + <img image='"+ UGTX_imgPgUp +"' size='2'/> Toggle Position<br/><br/>"; _needcomp = ""; if (UGTX_needCompass) then { _needcomp = "Compass in inventory required!"; }; hint parseText ( _title + _text + _text2 + _needcomp); }; case 207: { if (UGTX_shift) then { if (UGTX_toggle) then { UGTX_toggle = false; }else{ UGTX_toggle = true; };};}; case 201: { if (UGTX_shift) then { if (UGTX_posTop) then { { _x ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _x) select 0, 0.93 * safezoneH + safezoneY, (ctrlPosition _x) select 2, (ctrlPosition _x) select 3]; _x ctrlCommit 0.1; } forEach [uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_ctrlGrp", uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_compNeed", uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_grpBg"]; UGTX_posTop = false; }else{ { _x ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _x) select 0, 0.01111 * safezoneH + safezoneY, (ctrlPosition _x) select 2, (ctrlPosition _x) select 3]; _x ctrlCommit 0.1; } forEach [uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_ctrlGrp", uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_compNeed", uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_grpBg"]; UGTX_posTop = true; };};};};}; UGTX_fnc_keyUp = { switch (_this select 1) do { case 70: { UGTX_shift = false; };};}; waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)}; disableSerialization; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call UGTX_fnc_keyDown;false;"];//["KeyDown", "hint str _this"]; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp","_this call UGTX_fnc_keyUp;false;"]; systemChat "@VoyagerCompass-Lite 2.2 Addon:: Press [SCROLL LOCK] Key."; here is showCompass sqf disableSerialization; _comp = [] call UGTX_fnc_compileCompass; GTX_compImg = uiNamespace getVariable "GTX_compImg"; ["864", "onEachFrame",{ _sPos = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]; _pPos = getPos player; _dir = (((((_sPos select 0) - (_pPos select 0)) atan2 ((_sPos select 1) - (_pPos select 1))) + 360) % 360)/100; _stripe = 0.96 * safezoneW; _calc = ((_stripe/570) * _dir)* 100 + (_stripe/570) * 45; GTX_compImg ctrlSetPosition [_calc - _calc*2,-0.01,_stripe,1.8 * safezoneH]; GTX_compImg ctrlSetText UGTX_imgCompImg; GTX_compImg ctrlCommit 0; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; and the last one is compileCompass sqf disableSerialization; ("compassTitle" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["RscTitleDisplayEmpty", "PLAIN", -1, false]; with uiNamespace do { disableSerialization; _display = uiNamespace getVariable "RscTitleDisplayEmpty"; GTX_ctrlGrp = _display ctrlCreate ["RscControlsGroup", 7634]; GTX_ctrlGrp ctrlSetPosition [0.4 * safezoneW + safezoneX,0.01111 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.2 * safezoneW,10 * safezoneH]; uiNamespace setVariable ["GTX_ctrlGrp", GTX_ctrlGrp]; GTX_ctrlGrp ctrlCommit 0; GTX_grpBg = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", 7635]; GTX_grpBg ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0, 0, 0, 0.1]; GTX_grpBg ctrlSetPosition [0.4 * safezoneW + safezoneX,0.01111 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.2 * safezoneW,0.038 * safezoneH]; uiNamespace setVariable ["GTX_grpBg", GTX_grpBg]; GTX_grpBg ctrlCommit 0; GTX_compImg = _display ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", 7636, GTX_ctrlGrp]; GTX_compImg ctrlSetText "\MyProject\compass\imgs\default-puristax2.paa"; uiNamespace setVariable ["GTX_compImg", GTX_compImg]; GTX_compImg ctrlCommit 0; GTX_compNeed = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", 7637]; GTX_compNeed ctrlSetPosition [(0.5 * safezoneW + safezoneX)- 0.05,0.01111 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.1,0.09 * safezoneH]; GTX_compNeed ctrlSetStructuredText parseText ("<t shadow=1><t align='center' size='0.4' font='PuristaLight'>I"); uiNamespace setVariable ["GTX_compNeed", GTX_compNeed]; GTX_compNeed ctrlCommit 0; };
  4. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Still thanks for trying. I will probably leave it like this for the moment because i got new projects running. And i have no idea how to do the thing with CBA.
  5. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    No no. Its the other way around BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler is the solution. And onEachFrame would be the problem. But my addon uses addStackedEventHandler so this shouldnt be the problem. It must be something other haha
  6. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Theres too little information for me to create a conclusion and therefor a solution. In what way breaks it the mods? what means linkus. workshop or script version?
  7. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Glad you like it. Here are some answers. - Compass runs in the main menu. == Yeah we noticed this too. But its only happening if you own the dlcs. Atm we cant do anything about it because we cant find a solution. - Width slider is inverted? == Could be a quick fix in the next update. - At certain widths, the compass extends further than the set width == Thats how the maths work behind it at the moment. I will probably change it some day. - When the width is set to cover the entire screen (max), compass gets cut off based on whether you're looking east/west. == The width slider actually isnt meant to be put on max with such a narrow span. Its because there are not enough controls in both direction. The only solution would be adjusting the settings so it doesnt happen haha The bugs are going to be fixed. The suggestions are understandable but not all are easy implementable. I guess it doesnt hurt trying. Thanks for the suggestions man. I appreciate it a lot!
  8. Unknown_GTX

    On Pause

    you can go this way: [] spawn { while {true} do { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 49)}; // wait until pause-screen opened //your code waitUntil{isNull (findDisplay 49)}; // wait until pause-screen closed }; };
  9. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Are you actually a bot or are you manually creating these posts?
  10. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    @Prime4G An Update has been published. Only user-made markers are now visible. Signature has been fixed.
  11. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    UPDATE 1.1: - Mod compatibility created (ACE³, RHS, CBA). - Mod structure created thanks to @Flax. - Removed action-entry. Added button on pause-screen. @lawndartleo - Math/Logic optimization thanks to LittleWizard8. - Runs by default. @pioneer - Fixed singleplayer issues. @katipo66 - Fixed 3DEN issues. - Markers still are a huge impact but you can disable them. @s0l0knight - Script version not updated yet
  12. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Did you gave @aussie battler's GitHub a look? Its basically a tutorial on how to set this up for the exile mod. Or ask him directly
  13. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Ah now i understand. Uhm no im pretty new to the addon scene. I literally just started months ago with scripting and am here now. I actually didnt have thought of this but you are right. A server-side version would be pretty good but i still need to get into this. thanks for the suggestion!
  14. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Thanks mate. Server side in what aspect? I can't really follow
  15. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    @katipo66 Okay i see there is a problem of keeping the display saved over rejoining missions. Thanks for the report and a fix will follow soon. @pioneer You could easiely create a script with a switch to define the width of the compass. If player in vehicle then fnc_loadCompass set width to 0.5 else to 0. And prevent people from cheating by overwriting the addaction-menu. If you want i could rewrite the script for exactly this purpose. Depending on my free time. @zeealex Yes it is clientside and multiplayer compatible. Full of bugs tho when it comes to play with multiple mods.
  16. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    What is exactly meant with save games? Either there is a conflict with other scripts/mods or with a really small propability the alpha is turned down to zero or you accidentially selected the Battlegrounds profile (The first dropdown-list under charateristics). Thats a mistake by me. I accidentially left the empty profile in which returns nothing..
  17. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    @aussie battler Ah thanks for the feedback. Yes to remove the action remove the line you mentioned and this one: }]; At approx line 413. Is this a public server? Would you mind me joining and trying it out myself haha
  18. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    @GEORGE FLOROS GR Thank you man. You can download the script right at the download section. Beside the Workshop link
  19. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    this display has no actual idd. Its -1 and a child of 46 (main idd) which are already whitelisted in your config. I have no clue how infistar behaves or works. if you find a solution let me know mate.
  20. Unknown_GTX

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    You can toggle markers visibility in the settings dialog. In future update you will be able create marker whitelists and so on. For now you can only toggle on or off.