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Everything posted by Woofier

  1. Woofier

    co10 Escape

    Hello, again, Neo and Scruffy! My team is still playing Escape and keeping up with your work! Awesome stuff as usual! I love the new statistics. Though, they will be reset every update right? I have some requests. Would it be possible to: Improve AI hearing range? We can play on the hardest difficulty of Escape + 90% AI skill (arma 3 options) and the AI can't hear that we're killing a group that is very close to them. Improve AI coordination? This relates to the previous point, but we often find that one group of AI (i.e. guarding a comm centre or armory) is totally oblivious to what we're doing to their friends around the base. Control AI aim at a distance vs. close/medium ranges? Increasing overall aim makes them hit too well at close distances and only moderately well at long distances Regarding the second point, how much info does the search chopper give to the AI groups? We often experience that the chopper follows us, but the groups we see don't necessarily know where we are (i.e. they just follow their normal patrol routes). I know it's hard to code AI, but any improvement there would help a lot with immersion. I think improved AI awareness and hearing range (hearing shots and becoming "alert") would help a lot. Even better if they could quickly move towards the location of the sound (perhaps not AI that are guarding a location) Thank you
  2. Woofier

    co10 Escape

    Thanks for the tip. I tried to open the mission in editor, but it just gave me a generic loading error. Any suggestions to how I can make it work?
  3. Woofier

    co10 Escape

    Thanks for the help mate! Will send you a PM. Some more questions: - Will ZBE cache interfere with the mission? - I tried spawning planes by copy-pasting the boat codes, but it didn't work :( class Item270 //Tuvanaka Airport { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={2419.584,13337.366,0}; angles[]={0,0,0}; }; side="Empty"; class Attributes { presence=1.0; }; id=447; type="O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F"; atlOffset=0.43525088; class CustomAttributes { class Attribute0 { property="Enh_onKilledEvent"; expression="if !(_value == '') then {_this addEventHandler ['killed',_value]}"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="true"; }; }; }; class Attribute1 { property="Enh_onRespawnEvent"; expression="if !(_value == '') then {_this addEventHandler ['respawn',_value]}"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="true"; }; }; }; class Attribute2 { property="Enh_unitMarker_markerType"; expression="_this setVariable ['Enh_unitMarker_type',_value]"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="Faction_CUP_ION_PMC_white"; }; }; }; class Attribute3 { property="Enh_unitMarker_markerText"; expression="_this setVariable ['Enh_unitMarker_text',_value]"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value=""; }; }; }; class Attribute4 { property="Enh_onDamagedEvent"; expression="if !(_value == '') then {_this addEventHandler ['dammaged',_value]}"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="true"; }; }; }; class Attribute5 { property="Enh_unitMarker_colour"; expression="_this setVariable ['Enh_unitMarker_colour',_value]"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value=""; }; }; }; nAttributes=6; };
  4. Woofier

    co10 Escape

    Broh, just turn down the ingame difficulty sliders
  5. Woofier

    co10 Escape

    Thanks for the excellent work guys! And thank you Scruffy for the response. My team and I just played the recent devbuild with new armory, spawn, and commcenter templates. It's amazing. We are truly enjoying playing this mission for like... 6 months now. We only play Escape Tanoa. I've made a lot of changes to the mission, and I've learned just by looking at your code (I don't know coding so it has been quite painful at times). Do you take donations? We'd really like to see civilian airplanes in the airports, like in Phantom's version. It makes the airport a place that is worthwhile to go to. Empty military choppers would be cool as well. Would be awesome to sneak in and hijack them. Also, where can I find the %spawn chance for the empty civilian boats? Bonus, my friends managed to barrel roll two tanks while Escaping. Don't ask how:
  6. Woofier

    co10 Escape

    Hello, NeoArmageddon and Scruffy. Thank you for this amazing mission! I have some questions. I enjoy customizing the mission, but I'm having some problems finding certain pieces of code. Where could I change - the spawn rate and location of civilian boats and planes? - the prison guards' loadout? (i.e. add flashlights/NVG) - the enemy spawns in the Motor Pools (incl. statics, enemy vehicles, number of infantry)? - helicopter spawns on airfields? (i.e. add empty helicopters to steal :) ) No need to give me a full tutorial if you don't have time, but some pointers would be highly appreciated! Thank you