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Posts posted by DEH4NK

  1. In my config I have (i don't want to have range, speed and altitude check😞
    Use_MissionClaimDistanceCheck = false;
    MissionClaimDistanceCheck = 2000;

    Use_MissionCLaimAlt_SpeedCheck  = false;
    MissionCLaimAlt_Limit = 500;
    MissionCLaimSpeed_Limit = 200;

    Every time one of the players takes the mission, I get an error in the rpt. :

    3964. 8:28:05 XML parsing error: empty attribute name in tag 'size', code: <t size='.7' font='puristaMedium' align='left' >  Max Alt: 500ft<size='.8' shado...
    3966. 8:28:05 XML parsing error: empty attribute name in tag 'size', code: <t size='.7' font='puristaMedium' align='left' >  Max Dist: 2km<size='.8' shadow...
    3968. 8:28:05 XML parsing error: empty attribute name in tag 'size', code: <t size='.7' font='puristaMedium' align='left' >  Max Spd: 200mph<size='.8' shad...

  2. I went back to installing traders on the server side and am still trying to do it, I installed a new clean server, but the problem is the same as it was. Here's what I also noticed,
    I have ten standard traders, all have the same animation, I don’t give them any clothes or equipment 
    [["", "", "", "", [], [], ""] , [], [], ["", []], ["", []], [], "", "", [], ["", "", "", "", "" , ""]]  but some traders still load it, it is not clear from where 
    (I deleted all traders in initPlayerLocal.sqf, there are also no traders in mission.sqm).


  3. In my exile.ini I changed [addAbandonedSafes] and [DeleteBaseFlagStolen] but it did not have [DeleteUnpaidTerritories_construction] and [DeleteUnpaidTerritories_container] and I added them https://pastebin.com/Kitdfb2a In extDB3 logs,

    extDB3 error: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Input String deleteUnpaidTerritories_construction: 7
    extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Callname deleteUnpaidTerritories_construction

  4. 46 minutes ago, OdinCZ said:

    Hi, changes in the config base attack group and which is used for base attack. By default, I think the Gendarmarie is set. Or delete weapon main config this ai weapon group  gendarmerie

    unitClass = "B_G_Soldier_AR_F";

  5. Add this to your mission


    _veh1 =
            [(_pos select 0) -75,(_pos select 1)+75,0]
    ] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIVehicle;


    private ["_veh", "_veh1",.....];


    _missionObjs =

    • Thanks 1

  6. 25.01.2020 в 22:57 nagyszebi07 сказал:

    Почему не сработали настройки Мины?


        DMS_SpawnMinefieldForEveryMission = true; // Нужно создать минное поле для каждой динамической миссии.
        DMS_SpawnMinesAroundMissions = true; // Стоит ли создавать мины вокруг миссий?


    Не породил

    What missions do you use for this? Use these https://github.com/redned70/DMSBanditMissions/tree/master/missions/bandit
