Hey Guys,
I want to Use Particle effects in a mission, to Set a House on Fire. With an Action, you can Erase the Fire. But i don´t know how to create a good Fire Particle effect and i don´t find Usefull stuff at Google or Youtube.
What i have is only a really bad code to Set furniture at Fire but if i look to the right, the fire will move... thats my Code from google.... :
"this = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle position this; this addAction ["Löschen", "Scripts\Partikeleffekte\Bsp.sqf"];"
all at the Init...
I know how to use addAction... but Particle effects... The Scripting wiki isn´t very helpful for me so i hope you can safe me :-D
With kind regards Sword3a