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Mr H.

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Everything posted by Mr H.

  1. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    My test mine was placed in editor so not created by script. Spawn the minefield and watch player nearObjects ["MineBase", 100]; see what it returns
  2. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    The only way I could get the mine was with (player nearObjects ["MineBase", 200]) "APERSMine" didn't work, neither did "APERSMine_Range_Ammo"
  3. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    BUT I used nearObjects recently to detect a grenade and had to check for the ammo. So just try and see.
  4. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    Someone in the comments of nearestObjects says it doesn't work for grenades and that you should use nearobjects instead so maybe use that instead but use your original class names in the end I think @killzone_kid has it right not me
  5. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    ok after checking the other way around neither work my bad again
  6. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    As I said, I did. Once on the ground the object placed is class APERSMine_Range_Ammo so for the snippet @Stormmy1950 posted "APERSMine" doesn't work while "APERSMine_Range_Ammo" should
  7. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    So find the ammo classes here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgMagazines
  8. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    nope I was right: just checked and placed a mine next to me typeOf((nearestObjects [player, [], 200]) select 1); returns APERSMine_Range_Ammo
  9. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    Yeah but for explosives the class name is not the cfgMagazines but ammo try with APERSMine_Range_Ammo
  10. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    You don't need to set damage if you delete the object. If that doesn't work check the class names.
  11. Mr H.

    Minefield not deleting

    _x setDamage _mines doesn't make any sense
  12. Issue was a bit similar, maybe it will help
  13. Are you using this with mods or a mission like DCG?
  14. Don't put your code in the helicopters init. Put it in your initplayerlocal.sqf
  15. Nothing wrong with your code the 0,0 is the center of the screen if I remember correctly where 0 is center and -1 and 1 are the edges of the screen on the axis. Try lower values./positive values. Haven't toyed with this in a while so I might be wrong.
  16. Mr H.


    nope. I don't know if that's even possible ctrlActivate ((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 101) doesn't work
  17. Mr H.


    _handler = getText (configFile>>"RscDisplayInterrupt">>"ButtonAbort">>"action") doesn't work because the handler is set by script, but you can get the onload script by getText (configFile>>"RscDisplayInterrupt">>"onload")
  18. Mr H.


    For a control /display created by config it might be possible to use getText do get the handler, but for a script created control I don't think there's a command for that and so you can't.
  19. Mr H.


    Yup so back to my previous answer: the best way is to look it up in the configviewer
  20. Mr H.


    I don't understand what you want, what hapens when the pos is changed is defined in what you posted above: _G_Slider ctrlAddEventHandler ['SliderPosChanged',' _RED = profileNamespace getVariable "Var_Red"; _BLUE = profileNamespace getVariable "Var_Blue"; _GREEN = profileNamespace getVariable "Var_Green"; _BRIGHT = profileNamespace getVariable "Var_Bright"; _REDC = _RED / 255; _BLUEC = _BLUE / 255; _BRIGHTC = _BRIGHT / 255; _GREEN_UR = (_this select 1); _GREEN = Round _GREEN_UR; _GREENC = _GREEN / 255; _RGBA = [_REDC,_GREENC,_BLUEC,_BRIGHTC]; ((findDisplay 999) displayCtrl 68) sliderSetPosition (_this select 1); ((findDisplay 999) displayCtrl 119) ctrlSetText format[''%1 '',_GREEN]; ((findDisplay 999) displayCtrl 123) ctrlSetBackgroundColor _RGBA; profileNamespace setVariable ["Var_Green",_GREEN]; ']; this sets the color of the control and redefines the value of the green in profilenamespace
  21. In your mission in the editor under attributes >> multiplayer uncheck allow manual respawn (not sure I have the correct labels I'm not at my computer but the setting's there)
  22. Mr H.


    Your question was about a control handler, a regular event handler is a different matter. You can't get the script this way you'd have to find where it's added in the first place. Maybe if you explained what you're trying to do it would be easier to help you.
  23. Mr H.


    You could retrieve it by script (might be a bit tricky) but you'd be better off browsing the cfg files of the display you want to get the script.