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About buGzilla

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  1. buGzilla

    bipods bug

    Bipod, did not notice from what point, but they disappeared from my armament. Although they are open, the game asks to open them again, but there are no points for that anymore. In this case, the bipod files are not visible, but in those setups where I put them earlier, they are present in the game. screens https://yadi.sk/i/BRZi_Zfm3MFB35 https://yadi.sk/i/J3MkOIoD3MFB42 https://yadi.sk/i/PTaYeIWr3MFB4G
  2. I'll just leave it here
  3. buGzilla

    Ask us anything!

    Thank you, now everything is clear. But after all, with HUD this game loses half its charm, annoyingly.
  4. buGzilla

    Ask us anything!

    Ok, hello. Can anyone tell me where the points are now gaining? Is the HUD on or off? And where to turn it off? I used to play only Clash in normal mode without markers, I have now to play with the markers in order to get more points? Thx, and sorry for googletranslate/