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About Marine1234

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  1. Hello! I have a Problem with my Altis server in Config_weapons.hpp In line 53 { encountered instead of "," /* * Format: * level: ARRAY (This is for limiting items to certain things) * 0: Variable to read from * 1: Variable Value Type (SCALAR / BOOL / EQUAL) * 2: What to compare to (-1 = Check Disabled) * 3: Custom exit message (Optional) * * items: { Classname, Itemname, BuyPrice, SellPrice } * * Itemname only needs to be filled if you want to rename the original object name. * * Weapon classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons * Item classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Items * */ class WeaponShops { //Armory Shops class gun { name = "Billy Joe's Firearms"; side = "civ"; license = "gun"; level[] = { "", "", -1, "" }; items[] = { { "hgun_Rook40_F", "", 6500, 500 }, { "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "", 9850, -1 }, { "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 11500, -1 }, { "hgun_PDW2000_F", "", 20000, -1 } }; mags[] = { { "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 25 }, { "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 50 }, { "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 45 }, { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 75 } }; accs[] = { { "optic_ACO_grn_smg", "", 2500 } }; }; class rebel { name = "Mohammed's Jihadi Shop"; side = "civ"; license = "rebel"; level[] = { "", "", -1, "" }; items[] = { { "arifle_TRG20_F", "", 350000, 2500 }, { "arifle_Katiba_F", "", 300000, 5000 }, { "srifle_DMR_01_F", "", 800000, -1 }, { "arifle_SDAR_F", "", 380000, 7500 }, { "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 45000, -1}, { "SMG_01_F", "", 220000, -1}, { "arifle_MXC_Black_F", "", 860000, -1}, { "arifle_MX_Black_F", "", 780000, -1}, { "arifle_MXM_Black_F", "", 890000, -1}, { "arifle_MXC_F", "", 860000, -1}, { "srifle_LRR_LRPS_F", "", 1200000, -1}, { "srifle_EBR_F", "", 820000, -1}, { "LMG_Zafir_F", "", 900000, -1}, { "srifle_GM6_F", "", 1500000, -1} }; mags[] = { { "10Rnd_762x54_Mag", "", 500 }, { "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "", 125 }, { "5Rnd_127x108_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "150Rnd_762x51_Box", "", 1000 } { "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 1000 }, { "7Rnd_408_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "20Rnd_762x51_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01", "", 1000 }, { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "", 1000 }, { "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 1000 }, { "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "", 1000 }, { "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 1000 }, { 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"", "", 1000 }, { "B_45ACP_Ball_Green", "", 1000 }, { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", "", 1000 } }; accs[] = { { "optic_ACO_grn", "", 3500 }, { "optic_Holosight", "", 3600 }, { "optic_Hamr", "", 7500 }, { "optic_LRPS", "", 18000 }, { "muzzle_snds_M", "", 3000 }, { "muzzle_snds_L", "", 4000 }, { "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2000 } }; }; .....