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About thick1988

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  1. thick1988

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks man, this worked!
  2. thick1988

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm working on a custom faction config, and I'm using RHS US assets to base it. But, I'm running into a strange issue. With the M1A1, the M109, and the M2A2 I've got the following in the vehicle config. I've already successfully changed the components for all the humvees, m113s, and other vehicles. But the M1A1, M2A2, and M109 are giving me fits. It will NOT hide the IFF Panels, or MILES panels in the M1A1's case. Even after spawning the vehicles in and checking the config viewer and animationList, it shows the components should be hidden but they are not. animationList[]= { "IFF_Panels_Hide", 1 };
  3. So, I actually did have that in my init.sqf. Also JebusInit.sqf is in my mission folder as well. However, and I realize my stupid mistake now, I had my init.sqf file saved as a txt but the file suffix was hidden. Thanks again for your prompt response!
  4. Hello dreadpirate, Thank you for your response. I do have Jebusinit.sqf in my mission folder, but do not have the 'call compile' line in my init.sqf. I will be sure to add that, and then let you know what happens. Thanks!
  5. Hey guys, Just implemented this and it's working well. However, I keep getting an annoying popup message each time a group spawns in. The error is: Error undefined variable in expression: jebus_fnc_enemyradius File C:\Users\etc...\jebus.sqf, line 332 I've looked at line 332 in the file, and it is as so: while {[_tmpRespawnPos, _unitSide, _pauseRadius] call Jebus_fnc_enemyInRadius} do { if (_debug) then {systemChat "Enemies in pause radius. Waiting."}; sleep 5; }; I'm not the best at scripting/coding, but I can't see any issues here. Similarly, looking at the function in the other file yields this: Jebus_fnc_enemyInRadius = { params [ "_position" ,"_friendlySide" ,"_radius" ]; private ["_returnValue"]; _nearestEnemies = []; _nearestUnits = _position nearEntities [["Man","LandVehicle","Helicopter","Ship"], _radius]; { if ( (side _x getFriend (_friendlySide)) < 0.6 && (side _x != CIVILIAN) ) then { _nearestEnemies = _nearestEnemies + [_x]; } } forEach _nearestUnits; if (count _nearestEnemies > 0) then { _returnValue = true; } else { _returnValue = false; }; _returnValue; }; I haven't made any changes to the sqf files at all. It still spawns the units, but I'm getting this pop up each time. Anyone know why?