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Robin Withes

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Everything posted by Robin Withes

  1. Robin Withes

    USG Takistan Life

    The #1 most popular Takistan Server for over a year has released their 2.0 version. USGRoleplay has released their new Takistan 2.0 with custom assets, scripts, a high quality support team and loyal playerbase. If you miss Arma 2 Takistan Life or are just looking for a new roleplay server to play on than dont miss out! Website Kind Regards, Robin Withes
  2. Hey, I want the player to have no acces to his scrollwheel for a little while. I know a similiar result can be gathered by using the keydown evh and returning true to disable any actual event gained from it. I found the MouseZchanged evh but it appears to accept no true or false arguments to disable the actual scrollwheel, i know this can be possible though since servers like Arma Project Life have succeeded in doing this. Any help would be appreciated thanks!
  3. Im making a mission where the players are all part of the civilian side while the ai is bluefor. When the civilians shoot the ai is brings their rating down allowing the AI to shoot them. The players however can not enter each others vehicles anymore since they are now enemies to each other, i cant make the players captive since the ai wont shoot them anymore if i do that so what should i do with this issue?
  4. Robin Withes

    Server side spawned AI deals no Damage

    I managed to fix it by adding this to the Server Init. [] spawn { while {true} do { { _var = _x getVariable ["raServerCheck",false]; if (!_var) then { _x allowDamage true; _x setVariable ["raServerCheck",true,true]; }; }forEach playableUnits; sleep 60; }; };
  5. It's a little bit weird to explain my issue to i'll show everyone a GIF of it. HERE For the people who could'n make out the issue from the gif ill explain what happened in the video: I use this code: {_grp = createGroup west; _unit = _grp createUnit ["B_Competitor_F", position _x, [], 0, "FORM"]; [_unit] spawn life_fnc_raSetupLoadout; }forEach playableUnits; (the reason i use a foreach loop is because i ran it on server side as well + obviously this code is just to find the problem) (Extra note: The setup loadout function simply gives the unit gear and weapons) And i run it on the server, it spawns the AI next to me but as soon as the AI shoots me, the bullet just blows right off. I thought it was a issue with some event-handlers first but i found out that if i run it locally it DOES work. So in the GIF you can see i run the EXACT same code locally and the AI is able to damage me as i do. Now i did some googling and found out someone was having a similar issue HERE, unfortunately i could not find anything that solves my issue, im running the default Altis life 5 framework on a dedi box for anyone curious.
  6. Hi, i've been scripting in arma for about a year now but i have never worked with AI before, im currently making something that requires AI to move in a vehicle around some waypoints randomly while undisturbed. When they do get disturbed i can manage them to fight the players disturbing them but i am having difficulties detecting when the fight is over and getting them back into their car and back patrolling when it is. It has to be done via SQF since i spawn them in and handle them with it already. Any help,suggestions,code snippets or anything would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Robin Withes

    Having issues with AI patrolling

    Thank you, i'll get around testing it later today.
  8. A member recently asked me if it was possible to make a "Stroke" script where every key gets inverted to simulate the user having a stroke. I dont think this is possible but this or something similiar is possible? Any Ideas would be appreciated!
  9. Is there any way i can check if a client still has a connection to the server? Basically is there any way i can "ping" the server as a client on it.
  10. I know that, unfortunately it takes quite a bit of resources when 50 players are doing it. I'm looking for a possible less resource intensive way.
  11. My question is basically the title: When i create dialog using a SQF file is there any way to let it fade in / fade out instead of just letting it instantly appear?
  12. There is currently a small stuntplane in the modpack which i would love to modify for it to have GBU bombs and a minigun. I would rather do it with scripts rather then modding it and i would like to ask all of you if that is possible and if so how?
  13. I recently came across quite a few scripts that were just written like this: call compile toString [loadsofnumbers]; After googling a bit i found out that this is just a easy way to encrypt sqf files. I also found out that apparantly it is really easy to crack. Im quite curious how to do this myself and how this works, I would really appreciate someone helping me out here.
  14. I have to work alot of EXTB3 and me and one of the people i script with are stuck on this (possibly) simple issue. When we pulled a array out of the database that contains playeruids we noticed it was a string and not a array : _original = "[`76561197979553832`,`76561198128204387`,`76561198115523495`]"; Could anyone help us out here by turning it into preferrably: _original = [`76561197979553832`,`76561198128204387`,`76561198115523495`]; We've tried most stuff already including compiling it using toString etc, but nothing seems to work.
  15. Robin Withes

    How to get a array out of a string.

    As soon as i parse the array it appears to f"ck up the numbers Example: "[76561197979553832,76561198128204387,76561198115523495]" [7.65612e+016,7.65612e+016,7.65612e+016] //after i parse it
  16. Robin Withes

    How to get a array out of a string.

    Pasted your exact code and logged the _original var. Output is in the debug console. https://gyazo.com/d3fafeb11698f504ecdec2d05364eb39
  17. I am making a airdrop script and i need to check when the contents of my airdrop is empty. This is my current script: _vehicle = "IG_supplyCrate_F" createVehicle _position; _vehicle setPosATL (_vehicle modelToWorld[0,0,260]); _vehicle allowDamage false; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicle; _DropPos1 = getpos _vehicle; [_vehicle, _vehicle] call BIS_fnc_curatorobjectedited; [[1,format["The airdrop is falling from the sky!"]],"life_fnc_broadcast",civilian,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; _smokeGrenade1 = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle _DropPos1; _smokeGrenade1 attachto [_vehicle,[0,0,0.2]]; _grenadeLauncher = { _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_6Rnd_HE_GP25_M", 15]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_glaunch_6G30", 2]; }; _as50 = { _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_5Rnd_127x99_as50_M", 25]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_srifle_AS50", 5]; }; _stinger = { _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_Stinger_M", 15]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_launch_FIM92Stinger", 5]; }; _shield = { _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_15Rnd_9x19_M9", 50]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_hgun_BallisticShield_Armed", 7]; }; _grenadeLauncher2 = { _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_1Rnd_HE_M203", 25]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["CUP_glaunch_M79", 4]; }; _barret = { _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["Trixie_10x127_HEIAP_Mag", 20]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["Trixie_M107_Black", 2]; }; _randomLoot = selectRandom [_grenadeLauncher, _as50, _stinger, _shield, _grenadeLauncher2, _barret]; [] call _randomLoot; //Now i need to check when the content of _vehicle is empty I googled it already and did not find anything, help would be appreciated!
  18. I am making a similiar script to the "broken legs" script in dayz. I know how to break someones leg normally with the setHit command but i dont know how to force a player to stay prone for a duration. Help would be appreciated!
  19. Robin Withes

    How to force a player to stay prone?

    For anyone interested in how to make a similiar script to exile and dayz their broken leg script: while {true} do { if (_morphine == 1) exitWith {hint "You have been healed";}; if (stance player != "PRONE") then { player switchMove "AidlPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"; }; sleep 1; };
  20. Robin Withes

    How to force a player to stay prone?

    Ok i found something that works for what i want it to do. player switchMove "AidlPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"; This animation just simply puts the player in prone. Thanks for you guys' answers!
  21. Robin Withes

    How to force a player to stay prone?

    Thanks, ill check that out. Never worked with eventhandlers before.
  22. Robin Withes

    How to force a player to stay prone?

    How does exile do it then? Mods or something?
  23. Hello, I am trying to make a script where the distance between the medic and the death player is shown in the deathscreen. Currently it works but it shows a long ass number for example if a medic is around 10 meters away it will show 10.43943834 Is there any way to make it show just "10" for example? This is my code in case someone is interesed: private["_medicsOnline","_medicsNear"]; disableSerialization; _medicsOnline = ((findDisplay 7300) displayCtrl 7304); _medicsNear = ((findDisplay 7300) displayCtrl 7305); _nearUnits = life_nlrLocation nearEntities ["Man",19000]; nearbyMedicDS = "No Medics Available"; waitUntil { { if ((isPlayer _x) && (_x != player) && (side _x == independent)) then { nearbyMedicDS = getPos _x }; }forEach _nearUnits; testRobin = life_nlrLocation distance nearbyMedicDS; //_nearby = if(([independent,getPosATL player,120] call life_fnc_nearUnits)) then {"Yes"} else {"No"}; _medicsOnline ctrlSetText format[localize "STR_Medic_Online",[independent] call life_fnc_playerCount]; _medicsNear ctrlSetText format[localize "STR_Medic_Near",testRobin]; sleep 5; (isNull (findDisplay 7300)) };
  24. I fixed my problem, i had to define my function in the cfgremoteexec.cfg
  25. I want to let medics be able to inject morphine into people. Script currenty looks like this: private["_unit"]; _unit = cursorTarget; if(isNull _unit) exitWith {}; //Not valid if(!([false,"Morphine",1] call life_fnc_handleInv)) exitWith { ["You need morphine to do this!","#d32df0"] spawn RLG_fnc_RLGNotificationSystem; }; if(player == _unit) exitWith {}; if(!isPlayer _unit) exitWith {}; ["Injecting morphine...","#d32df0"] spawn RLG_fnc_RLGNotificationSystem; player switchMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1"; player playMoveNow "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1"; waitUntil{animationState player != "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1";}; _myPosition = getPos player; if (_unit distance _myPosition > 5) exitWith {["You need to move closer to your target!","#d32df0"] spawn RLG_fnc_RLGNotificationSystem;}; //Here i need to let a script run on _unit I need to let another script run on the _unit, i would appreciate some help!