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About mrmartijn

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  1. Hi People, I bought a server (physical) for to build an Arma Life server. I've got some technical background and it was no problem to setup the Arma Life MOD (https://github.com/AsYetUntitled/Framework/releases / v4.4r4) with extDB2. Server is currenly running on win 2012 r2, it's a HP Proliant ML310e running with a Xeon e2-1240, 16GB ram, and SSD's in raid connected trough a very stable 500/500 mbit internet connection. It's up & running but as far as mission editing goes and making some nice custom updates I've found out I'm quite a noob. So i'm looking for someone who: Allready has a succesfull server and want to expand to a second one Someone wanting to start a server and wants free hosting. You can use the hardware for free, there is no datalimit on traffic, there is enough processing power to also run teamspeak on it, i've got a domain (armalife.nl) but i'm open to any suggestions. As long as the main langauge is English (no russian, france, deutsch etc). Requeriments you are skilled in Arma 3 server, mission editing, customization etc. A website can be hosted ore on the same server or on one of my Centos Servers (all running NGINX/MariaDB). If you have any interest to build up this server with your knowledge and maybe some input from my side with no charges what so ever please send me a message. You can send me one by email mrmartijn at gmail dot com. Or just respond here. Kind regards, MrMartijn
  2. Hi People, I bought a server (physical) for to build an Arma Life server. I've got some technical background and it was no problem to setup the Arma Life MOD (https://github.com/AsYetUntitled/Framework/releases / v4.4r4) with extDB2. Server is currenly running on win 2012 r2, it's a HP Proliant ML310e running with a Xeon e2-1240, 16GB ram, and SSD's in raid connected trough a very stable 500/500 mbit internet connection. It's up & running but as far as mission editing goes and making some nice custom updates I've found out I'm quite a noob. So i'm looking for someone who: Allready has a succesfull server and want to expand to a second one Someone wanting to start a server and wants free hosting. You can use the hardware for free, there is no datalimit on traffic, there is enough processing power to also run teamspeak on it, i've got a domain (armalife.nl) but i'm open to any suggestions. As long as the main langauge is English (no russian, france, deutsch etc). Requeriments you are skilled in Arma 3 server, mission editing, customization etc. A website can be hosted ore on the same server or on one of my Centos Servers (all running NGINX/MariaDB). If you have any interest to build up this server with your knowledge and maybe some input from my side with no charges what so ever please send me a message. You can send me one by email mrmartijn at gmail dot com. Or just respond here. Kind regards, MrMartijn