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About BigDad

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    Private First Class

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  1. I have made a Static Mission on the Altar Underground complex. I have the Ai running around on the floor of the map not above ground. How can I place them by world coords to spawn above ground? I have gotten all the world coords from Infistar GETPOS. The number are the same ATL or ASL. I have a Island mission on Skalisky and works fine. Please and Thank you for some help
  2. My players are getting kicked after the update. Please advise and thanks in advance. Oh, and awesome job with the huge list of fixes. Thanks
  3. Still stuck on "how" to place this into server. Installing has confused me. Where to be placed and start up. I can figure out to get working with this idea for setup with streaming files.
  4. BigDad

    KLPQ Music Radio

    Still stuck on "how" to place this into server. Installing has confused me. Where to be placed and start up. I can figure out to get working with this idea for setup with streaming files. thanks in advance.
  5. BigDad

    KLPQ Music Radio

    My question is about set up a internet radio program. Do you know if or how it would be installed into mission file. Running a remote internet radio station on a computer in my home. Another dev had one posted on Github. Trying to look at them to understand. Please let me know about the help or direction to go. Please and thank you.
  6. Has any one have this working? Do you install into mission file. Running a remote internet radio station on a computer in my home.
  7. My players and I aren't hearing ambient sounds. May be on this end. Flies buzzing and wind in parachuting works. Just no bird or weather sounds,
  8. I just keep finding more survivor campsites. So much fun and eye candy. And YEA! the updates haven't affected the dozen or so map edits I have on the server. I can't find anything for removing lighting in specific area to make the tunnels dark even during day. Forums only talk about ADD lighting. Will there be an addition to map in the area north NW airfield? A2 servers had a trader there.Got the loot spawning and farming wood from trees now. Yea!!
  9. Some that I found. Other ones aren't as noticeable. I have made more than a dozen map edits, for towns, bridges and Military posts. Will remove mine when updates come out. Objects floating MILITARY BASE @142012 TREES [14159.5,13937.2,0.00238037] [14177,13945.2,0.00063324] [14181.9,13981.7,0.00125885] [14144.4,14031.7,0.00173187] HEDGEHOGS [14162.8,14041.3,0.001297] HESCOS [14202.6,14061.1,0.0012207] Land_Mil_Barracks_i MOUND OF DIRT RISING THROUGH [14182.2,14118.4,0.00221252] [14202.2,14073.6,0.00144958] FOLDING TABLES A ND CHAIRS [14202.8,14093.7,0.00164795] Don't know if meant to be a rock here [8651.22,2602.37,0.00143909] RAILROAD TUNNEL ROCK THROUGH TUNNEL CEILING Will prevent ATS train passing through I can't figure how to post the pictures
  10. Incredibly awesome map, I have trouble getting wood from trees though. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  11. Looking good, I've created a few trader zones and new towns along with couple bridges on an upcoming server and now having fun. Thanks
  12. TODAY?!!!!!!!! WHOAH...My finger nails are gone...can't wait much more..toe nails might be next
  13. AHHHHH....I am SO EXCITED..I CAN'T HANDLE IT!!!. WAITING for the AWESOME map!! 14 SEPT....
  14. BigDad

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Still can't find a suppressor for the T-5000. Someone commented there is one. I have seen some rifles won't have a suppressor. Let me know if there is one and what the classname is, thanks
  15. I can target and damage the aircraft, which is nice. I can't seem to create a trigger for "any player" trigger option. After that I am hoping to get and way to randomize the location of the trigger to a list of coordinates so that players won't avoid the same locations a static trigger is placed. I have tested locations in Editor only.