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Posts posted by tRiKy_ch

  1. 12 minutes ago, evil_c0okie said:

    We are having a critical issue here.

    Linux dedicated server is seg faulting on startup after 1.70 update.



    Anyone else?




    May 16 17:54:29 TacticalTeam kernel: arma3server[29640]: segfault at 1 ip 000000009762fbd6 sp 00000000eae60790 error 4 in steamclient.so[969fb000+10b3000]
    May 16 17:54:29 TacticalTeam kernel: grsec: Segmentation fault occurred at 0000000000000001 in /home/steam4518/arma3/arma3server[arma3server:29640] uid/euid:1000/1000 gid/egid:1000/1000, parent /lib/systemd/systemd[systemd:1] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0

  2. running as service helps a lot (biggest advantage is the serve automatically restart when crash) https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/193279-running-as-a-service-on-linux/

    then could you set a daily cronjob for auto restart (my run at 5am when i'm sure no one is online), so liberation load but not really start until someone login, so you bring a "fresh server" when the first player of the day connect

    to send rcon messages could you use this PHP script http://www.exilemod.com/topic/17-linux-server-startstoprestart-global-message-script/


    then that's the script i use to restart, it begins to warn 15 minutes before restart





    ./bemsg.sh "Riavvio in 15 minuti..."
    sleep 300
    ./bemsg.sh "Riavvio in 10 minuti..."
    sleep 300
    ./bemsg.sh "Riavvio in 5 minuti..."
    sleep 240
    ./bemsg.sh "Riavvio in 1 minuto..."
    sleep 50

    ./bemsg.sh "Riavvio in 10 secondi..."
    sleep 5
    ./bemsg.sh "ATTENZIONE: Riavvio automatico in in 5 secondi..."
    sleep 1
    ./bemsg.sh "4..."
    sleep 1
    ./bemsg.sh "3..."
    sleep 1
    ./bemsg.sh "2..."
    sleep 1
    ./bemsg.sh "1..."
    sleep 1
    ./bemsg.sh "RIAVVIO!"
    sleep 1
    #./bemsg.sh "#restart"
    systemctl stop arma //this has to be modified according to your actual service name
    systemctl start arma //this has to be modified according to your actual service name






    echo $1
    php -q warning.php "$1"


    • Like 1

  3. 3 hours ago, I.Gash said:

    I've actually expirienced this as well. After about an hour or two people will start to get FPS drops and they're fixed after restarting the client. Are you sure it has to do with the Server and not the Client itself?

    if you look at the official wiki the reccomendation is to restart every 3 hour or at least every 10 hour http://greuh-liberation.wikia.com/wiki/Server_Admin


    then, wich parameters you have set for liberation? specifically with "Unit Cap" "Aggressivity" "Adapt to player Count" and "Civilians" parameters can you limit AI spawn and get get some minor improvements (limiting the epicness of battles unfortuntely :down:)

  4. thats not temporary and generally requires a client restart, the strange thing is its does not happen on every client and not at same time,

    for the same reason i think it's not a bandwith issue (250Mbps), also because are always fps drops related issues rather than lags or desync


    2 hours ago, Tankbuster said:

    Could be a million and 1 reasons.


    :down: don't tell me i've tried everything so far, however every advice is welcome :drinking2:


  5. 3 hours ago, I.Gash said:

    Sounds good! I don't really plan to have more than 7-10 players anyways. Mostly for coops with friends. Have you tried running Liberation? I was hoping liberation can work on mine as well.

    my clan server run liberation on a very similar setup and we got serious fps drops on towns, i've got some improvements working around with liberation settings but frame drops still (randomly) present when too many reinforcement spawn and > 10 players


    however i still thinking that's more a client side issue instead of a dedi server issue 'cause in fact server is always running @50 rock solid FPS

  6. linux server doesn't always like uppercase characters and spaces (i.e.: i've got a lot of issues with CUP on past, but CBA_A3 doesn't seem to be affected)

    my advice is to rename all the folders with lowercase and removing spaces or replace with "_", you have to rename subfolders too (like "keys" and "addons")

    if issue persist you have to rename also the .pbo into addon directory (as prev said i had to do that with CUP vehicles)


    be also sure to have right permissions on folder when you upload a new mod


  7. On 22/4/2017 at 0:22 PM, Artyom_ said:

    OK, not very nice..

    Have we an approximative release date for 64 bit linux server?


    release date has TBA

    i run a linux dedicated server @ 32bit , i would appreciate a 64bit binary, but consider the real performance limits are on the client side (when clients start to framedrops server still at stable 50fps)so, at the moment, i dont really bother about 64bit on server

    i doubt you could get a better performance (and stability) on 64bit wine instead of a "clean" 32bit linux setup

  8. 3 hours ago, harmdhast said:

    He is right.

    I've seen people not being able to see nor connect because of the provider firewall config (or routing config).

    However it was on the default port.

    Note that if your provider has an anti ddos thing it is possibly dropping every udp packets until a tcp connection is initialized. Don't ask me why but it is weird af.

    very very weird, from my home ip a can connect to rcon only if i previos logged on ssh, else if i try it from my mobile (it has another ip class) it connect every time 8-)

  9. @AndreNix audio issue has to be client side IMHO, about clantag: it seems that units support on linux server is not complete, on my server clantag staretd to work (magically) itself, but still not see emblems on uniforms/vehicles


    @z3r0sum try using absolute path when setting "force_install_dir" to be sure you're updating your installtion and not making a new one

    check also the arma3server executable date, if older than 16.03.2017 there something wrong

  10. On 7/2/2017 at 3:42 PM, john85oc said:

    When work this on Linux servers?

    i quote

    i hoped to see this solved on 1.68 but still not working


    i can't understand if it's a bug or simply not yet implemented...


    on my linux server i can see my unit tag but not the emblems on units/vehicles
