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About Someone1303

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  1. Hey Bludski I've had a look at your map and its gorgeous I was currently making a Map and I was wondering how you got all that Jungle and those thatched buildings. I would really appreciate I'd love to be able to make one as good as you can but currently can't finish it with out some of the mangrove's and buildings from the DLC. If its a trade secret I can understand. And keep going man really good Job you've done already.
  2. Someone1303

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Oh ok then I'm looking at subscribing in the future anyway was just wondering Sorry if I put you on the spot
  3. Someone1303

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Cheers however Is this a subscriber download. I do not believe its on your regular list. There was however a origami.png file showing a demonstration of what it does is present.
  4. Someone1303

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Hello I heard that one of your tools have dummy apex file's so you can put apex assets into the asset library. Firstly awesome I've been looking all over the web to find out how people use apex content for map making so I can finish my map off. Secondly which one of your tools does that I have your Pbo generators (love-em) but their aren't exactly labels on what the rest do which one am I looking for.