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Everything posted by Theassassinzz

  1. Theassassinzz

    Simple ParaDrop Script

    Is it possible to have the server start with the players in prowlers loaded up in Vehicle Blackfish's and have them airdropped using your script?
  2. Theassassinzz

    Arma 3 Survival

    Well, you can count my community in on this if you ever need some testers Also, if you need any help mapping/scripting I can offer assistance. That is if you are still looking for help :D
  3. Theassassinzz

    Random Vehicle Spawn

    Solved it myself haha
  4. Theassassinzz

    Random Vehicle Spawn

    I tried adding . . . . }; sleep 300; exitWith {hint format ["%1 Vehicles Spawned",_vehCount];} But no matter what I do with the semi-colons I always get an error saying I'm missing a ;
  5. Theassassinzz

    Arma 3 Survival

    This looks amazing! Great work so far, I can't wait to see a release for this. I have a question, will you be looking for communities to test it for you? I have a server tower so I can set up as many servers as I'd like. I'd be more than willing to help test this for you!
  6. Theassassinzz

    CH Mobile Headquarters

    So I am using this script for my server and it is working great!! Thanks for this by the way. I have one question, Is there any way to spawn a composition through the _cargoInfo variable?
  7. I love this mission mod! Currently running it on my server, looking to donate soon too!! Keep up the great work! My group can't wait for PO4 to come out! If you need any servers to beta test this I'd be more than willing to host it!
  8. Theassassinzz

    Variable is String Expected Array

    Because I over complicated this shit haha. I guess I have another one to test haha.
  9. Hey guys, So I am still messing around with my Area Lock script. I've gotten it to accept name tags, but I'm trying to implement player UID. I have this done but can't get it to work This is my initUtil.sqf uidListA = [ "00000000000000000"/* Assassinzz */, "00000000000000000"/* Kadaire */, "00000000000000000"/* Halvix */, "00000000000000000"/* Elikat */, "00000000000000000"/* BigSky */, "00000000000000000"/* Snakebite */, "00000000000000000"/* Grunt */, "00000000000000000"/* God Dammit */, "00000000000000000"/* RageOnJack3D */ ] tz_util_isTRC = { private ["_unit", "_name"]; _name = toArray name _this; _name resize 5; (toString _name == "{TRC}"); }; tz_util_isAdmin = { private ["_unit", "_uid1"]; _uid1 = toArray getPlayerUID player; (toString _uid1 == uidListA); }; Here is my lock script that I am trying to get to work with "tz_util_isAdmin" { if ((vehicle player) == _x && ((getPos _x) select 2 < 1) && !(player call tz_util_isTRC)) then { { // Let player know this is members area and they are being removed hintC "This is a Members only area!"; // Teleport them _x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west"); } forEach (crew _x); // Teleport vehicle to spawn _x setPos (getMarkerPos "vehicle_teleport"); }; // Teleports single person if (player == _x && !(_x call tz_util_isTRC)) then { // Let player know this is members area and they are being removed hintC "This is a Members only area!"; // Teleport them _x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west"); }; } forEach _this; when I plugin in the "tz_util_isAdmin" I get a variable error saying there is a string when an array expected. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  10. Theassassinzz

    Variable is String Expected Array

    Thank you man!! Got it to work now! changed it to tz_util_isAdmin = { private ["_unit", "_uid1"]; _uid1 = toArray getPlayerUID player; (toString _uid1 in uidListA); }; Am semi-colon'd that line I fucked up on haha.
  11. Theassassinzz

    Variable is String Expected Array

    Thank you so much! I'll try that out ASAP!
  12. Theassassinzz

    Variable is String Expected Array

    I see what you mean now! looked like you were saying that the whole isTRC wan't working. Stupid mistakes, well hey man, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!! Sorry I doubted you even though you are the master scripter haha ':D
  13. Theassassinzz

    Variable is String Expected Array

    Ah I see, the way I have it with names works just fine ':D It's using UID's where I'm having trouble. Not to be rude, I do appreciate the help, but that part of the script works fine haha. It's my UID that I'm trying to find, but thank you there for the comment on the "==", I'll mess around a bit with it. Still new to the scripting but thank you for the help, you have responded to all of my 3 posts!
  14. Hello, so I am trying to get a white listed area to work on my server, I have this so far playerList = [ "00000000000000000"/* Assassin */, "00000000000000000"/* Kadaire */, "00000000000000000"/* Halvix */, "00000000000000000"/* Elikat */, "00000000000000000"/* BigSky */, "00000000000000000"/* Snakebite */, "00000000000000000"/* Grunt */, "00000000000000000"/* RageOnJack3D */, "00000000000000000"/* God Dammit */ ]; _uid = getPlayerUID player; { if ((vehicle player) == _x && ((getPos _x) select 2 < 1) && (!(_uid in playerList))) then { { // Let player know this is members area and they are being removed hintC "This is a Members only area!"; // Teleport them _x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west"); } forEach (crew _x); // Teleport vehicle to spawn _x setPos (getMarkerPos "vehicle_teleport"); }; // Teleports single person if (player == _x && (!(_uid in playerList))) then { // Let player know this is members area and they are being removed hintC "This is a Members only area!"; // Teleport them _x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west"); }; } forEach _this; That is in "lock.sqf" null = thisList execVM "Assassin\map\lock.sqf"; That is in the On Act in the trigger set to BLUFOR present repeatable. I am stumped as to why this isn't working. Also doesn't help that I am new to scripting too. Thanks in advance for any help!
  15. Theassassinzz

    Whitelisted Area

    Thank you for the help! Ran this, made me realize that I hadn't messed up, just had defined the variable playerList in another script. And coincidentally the 2 players I had test it where on that list haha ':D
  16. So I have a locked area script that uses UID's to determine who can use said area but I am having the problem where it activates when someone fly's over it. Is there a way for me to get it to only activate when someone lands in the area? playerList = [ "00000000000000000"/* Assassin */, "00000000000000000"/* Kadaire */, "00000000000000000"/* Halvix */, "00000000000000000"/* Elikat */, "00000000000000000"/* BigSky */, "00000000000000000"/* Snakebite */, "00000000000000000"/* Grunt */, "00000000000000000"/* RageOnJack3D */, "00000000000000000"/* God Dammit */ ]; _uid = getPlayerUID player; if (_uid in playerList) then { titleText ["Welcome To The Best Place In The Server!", "PLAIN"]; }; if (!(_uid in playerList)) then { titleText ["This is a Members only area!", "BLACK OUT", 1]; player setPos (getMarkerPos "locked_area_portal"); sleep 2; titleText ["You will now be teleported!", "BLACK FADED", 2]; sleep 2; titleText ["Enjoy!!", "BLACK IN", 2]; };
  17. I know that haha. Just was wondering if it could be more efficient to script it in. Now I have the problem of it running globally instead of local. Teleports everyone not on the list when ever someone enters it.
  18. So I'm try to make it so that if someone fly's over the area the script won't activate. But as soon as they get below x height it does
  19. Roger that, I know that "getPlayerUID player" doesn't work in single player so I used _uid = 000000000000000 instead. Thanks for the help man.
  20. And it works! Thanks boss, been stumped for a good hour or two. Still getting back into the scripting. . . . .
  21. I can't seem to get this to work Here is what I have in the .sqf playerList = [ 00000000000000000/* Assassin */, 00000000000000000/* Kadaire */, 00000000000000000/* Halvix */, 00000000000000000/* Elikat */, 00000000000000000/* BigSky */, 00000000000000000/* Snakebite */, 00000000000000000/* Grunt */ ]; if (player in playerList) then { titleText ["Welcome Member!", "PLAIN"]; }; if (!(player in playerList)) then { titleText ["This is a Members only area!", "BLACK OUT"]; sleep 2; titleText ["You will now be teleported!", "BLACK IN"]; sleep 2; player setPos (getMarkerPos "locked_area_portal"); }; I also have tried using quotes around the uid list. Here is what I have for activation. null = thisList execVM "Assassin\map\lock.sqf"; I have tested it on a dedicated server and on single player