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Everything posted by BlacKnightBK

  1. BlacKnightBK

    New carrier

    Hello guys, I have noticed the new jets are out on the dev build, however, I do not have their class names and I am wondering if the USS freedom carrier is out too because I cannot find it. Cheers
  2. Hello guys, So I was wondering if overloading a function is possible since I can do that in java and c++ I was wondering if it was possible to do that here as well. If yes, please tell me how. Cheers
  3. BlacKnightBK

    Simple Task not working

    I have the same function working at other points of the mission file, but not here for some reason, I tried taking it out and placing it at other points same result
  4. I have created this simple task as a sub Task of another one. However, it is not appearing even though the Test hint is executed and appearing on screen. Is there something I am doing wrong? params []; private _pos = getArray (missionConfigFile >> "locations" >> "kavalaSquare" >> "pos"); private _oper = localize "STR_C_SideMission"; private _parent = localize "STR_SMMK_Operation"; private _briefing = localize "STR_FM_KavSideBrief"; private _task = [west, [_oper,_parent], [_briefing, _oper, "Kavala"], _pos, "Created", 5, true, "meet", true] call BIS_fnc_taskcreate; hint "Test --> Trig Activated"; _task;
  5. BlacKnightBK

    Simple Task not working

    Did not work man, Thanks though
  6. BlacKnightBK

    Simple Task not working

    I have tried taking it out of the function file and run as a script instead same result
  7. Hello guys, I would like to know how to create new keybinds without using mods. E.g when player presses shift+h his weapon gets holstered. Sorry if the answer is already available somewhere I am busy with so many other stuff I was not bothered googling it with it not being a high priority issue for me. Cheers
  8. BlacKnightBK

    how to create a new keybind

    Thank you @Lucullus, even if it doesn't work you have given me the beginning of the rope :) Cheers man
  9. Hello guys, I would like to create in my sqf file a whole fireteam without having to create each soldier separately and grouping them. Now I know it can be done in Eden editor, but I want to be able to do the same in my sqf files. Is there a command/BIS function already there or do I have to create my own?? Thanks in advance
  10. BlacKnightBK

    How to spawn a full squad at once?

    You are a dream come true mate, I have been looking for this for 2 hours straight lol Thanks man
  11. Hello guys, I wanted to create some global variables I need some special data. I thought of doing those as an array but remembered from java that Enums would be cleaner. Is that possible with SQF or not and I should just create my variables as Arrays instead?? CHeers
  12. BlacKnightBK

    Enums, are they possible

    @Larrow As usual, you are amazing, Thanks mate Much appreciated
  13. BlacKnightBK

    Enums, are they possible

    @Muzzleflash Thanks. I guess this is more complicated than Java but it looks like this is the closest I can get to Enums as I can. Cheers mate
  14. BlacKnightBK

    Enums, are they possible

    I do not see anything but just integer variables, how do I treat those as Enums. back in java an Enum called DLC looked something like this: Except in sqf it is important to me because for each of my enums I want a String, an Integer and an Array of 2 integers
  15. Hello, I would like to remove some of the default location names of the Altis map and re-write them in a different font. Is it possible??
  16. BlacKnightBK

    Remove Default city names of map

    What is the config??
  17. I will have many vehicles that will be created\deleted throughout the mission, whenever a vehicle is created I have a set of code I want to apply on it without having to call a function every time a vehicle is created. Is there an event handler that I can use?
  18. BlacKnightBK

    What is wrong with my function here??

    @gc8 Now that totally makes sense lol :D Took me 1 mins restarting my game, my PC, everything I could think of lol Thanks alot, you a life saver friend
  19. Hello guys, So I have the following function (Func_fnc_findEmptyPad)that returns an array and it works perfectly as expected: params []; private _pads = [pad1, pad2, pad3]; private _empty = []; { private _objs = (getPos _x) nearObjects 5; private _clear = true; { if (_x isKindOf "Land" || _x isKindOf "Man" || _x isKindOf "Air") then { _clear = false; }; } forEach _objs; if (_clear) then { _empty pushBack _x; }; } forEach _pads; _empty And I have an if statement that depends on the function above, however, I get the weirdest error ever: If statement: private _empty = Func_fnc_findEmptyPad; if ( (count _empty) > 0) then {....}; Error: 13:48:33 Error position: <count _empty) > 0) then { private _pos => 13:48:33 Error count: Type code, expected Array,String,Config entry How on earth is it giving me this, I cannot even explain the problem because it is just weird. Doesnt my function return the array _empty??
  20. BlacKnightBK

    EventHandler when a vehicle is created

    @engima I was going through the event handlers just now looking for something different but fell upon these two types of eventHandlers, I am not sure if those are what I need but they certainly look like it, I havent been able to understand the description of them both so I thought I should just ask here: Cheers
  21. Why have I never tried that lol?? Thanks again Larrow, you the best
  22. Hello guys, While using stringtable.xml I noticed I have a weird issue. All my strings when printed on screen as a message for the player they appear within quotation marks(" "). How do I make those dissapear. This is how I am printing my strings on screen. hint format[str localize "STR_SPELP_NonPilotMessage"]; [str localize "STR_FB_baseShootingMessage",str localize "STR_FB_Safezone",str localize "STR_FB_Understood"] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
  23. Hello, I am using the following trigger to make players immune to damage within the trigger zone, but I would like the vehicles to be immune to damage too but unable to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks https://gyazo.com/be7c55ef4780a71360eecbfb7f3ff123
  24. Thanks, guys, I was informed that no vehicles will be within the area on server start, so I will add to the spawn script the disable damage since all vehicle will be spawned within, and once the player is leaving the damage will be enabled for both player and vehicle :)
  25. So there is no way for me to get the whole list of vehicles in the area at once? Hmm.