Hey there. I'm exploring the addon and I've discovered that AI teleportation functions are kinda broken. Going into command mode and trying to use the Teleport function displays a SQF error about the interpreter encountering a local variable in global space. It says the error is in TeleportClick.sqf, Line 2, and indeed the displayed snippet of code has one of the parameters without an underscore behind it.
Also, using the the UNSTUCK button appears to do nothing. Every time I use it, a hint message pops up that says "No Unit Selected". I've tried selecting from the list in the addon menu, and I've tried having the units selected in the normal way through the function keys, but so far I've had no luck getting it to work.
There are a couple of other things that are broken. The button with the medical bag on it which I presume is a heal self button displays a SQF error message. Trying to use the button with all the directions on it in high command mode also displays a SQF error instead of working.
However, I'm most interested in the teleportation features. I've written my own teleport scripts for my group but they are clunky at best and sometimes cause a lot of problems.
The problems I've encountered happen in both singleplayer and multiplayer missions.