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Everything posted by Kotlx

  1. I'm trying to access an object while only having the object's name in string format. For instance, I have an object Box_East_WpsSpecial_F named "ammoBox_23". There are another 22 ammo boxes, so I need to reference this specific one. How can I do something like hideObjectGlobal or removeMPEventHandler when they expect the format OBJECT hideObjectGlobal BOOLEAN?
  2. you can't do that with a string.. I'm aware of how to hide objects, but if you refer to the biki, it clearly states you need reference to object preceding the command. I don't have ammoBox_23, I have "ammoBox_23".
  3. ooookayy Im having trouble understanding why this isn't working .. a = objectList; b = a select 0; c = b select 0; d = c find guy1; where objectList is a global array that holds a bunch of different objects. These objects are suppose to be removed from this array as they are interacted with. In this instance, I have 2 objects (both AI) objectList = [[[guy1]],[[guy2]]]; The problem is, when I interact with the object, it fails to be removed. The object can't be found in the array. d returns -1. Here's my confusion, and Im sure it has something to do with global arrays (though I cant modify it if I cant find the item in the index). When I manually delcare the array: a = [[[guy1]],[[guy2]]]; b = a select 0; c = b select 0; d = c find guy1; d returns the correct index. what the hell am I doing wrong? ._. When I manually declare, the debug console output shows a as this a [[[<NULL-object>]],[[<NULL-object>]]] despite declaring it edit: I worked around this by setting the object's vehvarname in the array instead of the actual object. This allowed me to access the value and remove it at any point in the multidimensional array.
  4. Kotlx

    Lost the ArmA 3 hype

    getting burned out on games is inevitable. New content can extend or revitalize your interest, but unfortunately Arma is an intense game to add to. I think that's why Life servers do so well. It's a great place to create your own fun.
  5. Yeah that's not working either. here's the code snippet changed; [_paperwork,["Interact",{ ["1", "2"] spawn Test_fnc_delegateInteraction;},[], 10, true, true, "", "side _this == west", 3, false]] remoteExec ["addAction", ([0,-2] select (isMultiplayer && isDedicated)), true]; also tried remoteExec ["addAction", [0,-2] select |#|isDedicated, true]; Update: also tried this (note changing "addAction" to 'addAction') remoteExec ['addAction', ([0,-2] select (isMultiplayer && isDedicated)), true]; but that resulted in an error of missing a bracket at the pound sign. Suggestions? edit 2: It was the conditional statement that was failing.
  6. I'm having a very similar problem in addaction for an object for all players when the object is spawned on initServer. If it helps, as OP hasn't posted his syntax yet, here's mine and maybe someone can suggest the correct method. _paperwork = createVehicle ["Land_Document_01_F", [getPosATL _x select 0, getPosATL _x select 1, getPosATL _x select 2], [], 0, "NONE"]; _paperwork setDir (getDir _x); _myAction = ["Interact",Test_fnc_delegateInteraction, ["1", "2"], 6, true, true, "","side _this == west", 3, false]; [ [_paperwork, _myAction], { params ["_paperwork", "_myAction"]; _paperwork addAction _myAction; } ] remoteExec ['call',-2, true]; This does not work, however if I take that into the debug console and server execute it works properly. (some caveats; I have mine setup as initServer has _this call fn_initserver, and within fn_initServer I'm calling object spawns and addactions. Perhaps its an issue of extending to far out from the originating initServer?