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Everything posted by Kardoz

  1. Kardoz


    -.- Feel so noob right now. ahhaha Thank you, was the sunglasses. =D
  2. Kardoz


    Hey! Congrats! Great work! The kind of mod that hits me right in the goodies. Im loving to play, but i'm having a problem. The color filter for third and first person are different. Even if i disable the color filter in the 0-0 menu. Is there any other way to disable this? Tryed ReColor but it changes the PP, but still differs from third/first person. Thank you!
  3. Kardoz


    Hello! I'm playing the mod for like 2 days, and its great. So imersive, and its really really funny. One of the best mods so far, if not THE best. I have some questions.. -Can i disable music? -I'm playing Altis. If i star a game in Tanoa map, i'll lost my savegame from Altis? -I know its already said here about base building. I think thats a great idea, most about storing loot, having a reference point on the map. Idk if the "building" part is actually necessary. Buts its also said about commanding AI to stay in a house so the zombies would not spawn on/around it. Fits perfectly! This is a thing? The dev is planning something like that? Would be awesome! -If i update to will work? even if i not update ARMA3 to 1.64? I will lost my save game? Sorry for my english.. Really trying to be clear here even with my language limitations. Im worry bout my save because i f* kill a gunner in a offroad from like... 300meters. It feels awesome! Then kill both driver and passanger on the move. Dont want to lose that car! haha Keep the GREAT work, fantastic mod! Really thinking about making a gameplay channel just for this mod. Would be my first channel, first video. You can imagine how i'm enjoying this! (sorry if i asked something stupid or not being able to be clear)
  4. Kardoz


    Hey guys. I'm so sorry for taking your time. I want to apologize, because the error in my game was definitely the Arma 3 version. The 1.62 update was not sucessfuly installed and i was running the game outdated. Thank you so much for your attention! Great mod!
  5. Kardoz


    Yes.. it should work, but it didn't. Really don't know what to do. Anything i could do to try to solve? Thanks for replying. Really thinking about another singleplayer mod that does not need CBA. Any tips? With zombie theme?
  6. Kardoz


    Hey. I really want to play this mod. But im getting the error: "Addon 'cba_diagnostic' requires addon '3DEN'". Google it and find nothing. Just some things about CBA version.. I have Arma 3 1.62 and last cba. Dont know what to do! Please if someone already has this problem, answer me!